Norton SystemWorks

I am having a problem with a file from a very old Norton product, (System Works), that I uninstalled several years ago when upgrading to a newer version of Norton Internet Security. Every time I boot up my computer I get a dialog box on the screen. The title of the box states: "00000165.EXE Unable To Locate Component" In the body of the message, (next to a red X), is the notation: "This application has failed to start because NUMISC.dll was not found. Re-installing this application may fix this problem."


While this file doesn't seem to be causing any problems with the operation of my computer, I would like to get rid of it but I don't have any idea how to. Evidently this EXE file either isn't used anymore or isn't used in Norton Internet Security so installing/updating newer versions of NIS doesn't seem to have any effect on it. Any help/suggestion on how to safely delete this would be greatly appreciated! (My OS is Windows XP with SP3. This file can't be removed using Windows Add/Remove Programs because it doesn't appear there.)