Hi, I was experiencing extremely janky/stuttery scolling on the Windows Central web-site in Google Chrome 43.
So I disabled all my extensions, whereupon the scrolling was returned to normal. After re-enabling each extension one-by-one, I found that Norton Toolbar (I'm using version 2015.5.0.116), was the culprit. Disabling it caused the problem to go away.
I'm running Windows 8.1, on a core i5-3470 PC with 16GB Ram. I'm running Norton Internet Security (updated to latest version) on it.
If I leave the Windows Central web-site to settle for 30 seconds to a minute, the stuttery scrolling will eventually work itself out. The problem is at its worst when I first visit the page. It's only on this web-site that I have this scrolling problem - most of the other web-sites I visit behave well with Norton Toolbar.
Any help appreciated.