Hi, I fhave used Norton for years without a problem but... I recently purchased a new laptop with Windows 7. I installed Norton Internet Security (1 month ago) with no issues, left my computer on sleep overnight as i was using it forst thing in the morning and found it had the Windows failed to start screen. After going into the cause of this with windows repair, it had this message for me Cause unknown Bugcheck:Bugchecka.Parameters=0x0,0x2,0x0,0xfffff80002eeff74. System restore 0x1f System files 0x490
I managed to restsrt windows sucessfully after this, but then found norton would not start and came up with the error message norton uistub.exe unspecified error. I read an earlier post on this forum that advised to do a malware check using malware bytes and i have done this and the object found is C:\Users\Heather\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\XQIUOAQX\Firefox_Setup.exe (PUP.Bundle.Installer.OI) -> No action taken.
Ithen tried to use control panel to remove Norton to reinstall it but it is not responding to my request for removal.
Any advice greatly appreciated!