Norton Utilities Activation

Norton utilities requires activation to repair. I have followed instructions (new KEY ETC) and it shows activation successful but the product still indicates activation required to repair. I have uninstalled and re-installed the product and receive the same error


There should be two separate activation codes included in the box.  I believe that the utilities activation should start with a "U".

Hello Barry


There may have been 2 separate boxes since sometimes there is a special where you can purchase NIS and get a free Norton's Utilities with it.. From what I remember,  I think I have seen pictures showing 2 boxes (I don't trust my memory). Since this is a sometimes special, I don't think they would go to the trouble of specially packaging 2 cd's in the box. Therefore I think there may have been 2 boxes and that other box would contain the separate key. That's my logic any way. Thanks.

The last time I bought a Norton bundle, the keys were on the CD envelopes for each product. Make sure you are looking at the correct envelope.

Hello Barry


If you can not find the key and if you have some proof or a receipt or email, you can try contacting customer support and see if they can help  you.

This is the link for US/Can. If you need a different location, please consult your local Symantec site for the local free chat customer support link.



Please come back and let  us know if you have found the key. Thanks.

Norton has become a trash application. The change up their coding and force you to read when all they have to do is link their installations for smooth installs and re-installs and they are becoming more expensive. The internet in become a criminal organization and rob you of your money. 

I been trying for hours to uninstall and reinstall for hours on my Mac and ipad and just have given up. Give up with Norton and find another product that can give you exactly what you want for you money.