Norton utilities ultimate

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Issue abstract: N u u tells me I have # unused programs but it lists ALL programs not just the unused ones! Is there any way to have it just list the unused programs??
Also older N u versions had tuning routines for tuning your network & browser this Ultimate version doesn’t have anything of this kind in it. I need something to tune my browser because ALL images are either slow to load or not at all!

Detailed description:

Product & version number:N U U 24.2.16862.6344

OS details:w11 pro

What is the error message you are seeing?none

If you have any supporting screenshots, please add them:

You dont has the newes version that is the 24.3 but it is not the final part of the 24.3 and there is also a hotfix out now it only fix the auto update but that is also nice before the big bugfix update