Norton Utilities

Hey i noticed on the old version of Norton Utilities there was the option to “release RAM” what happened to this feature? Is it still there snd im iust overlooking it or was it removed?

It is not ther you can download a free version temp and use that i am think that it is comming in the 24.3 ore 24.4 maybe first 24.5 send som likes i add it under produckt suggest plus the on demand booster

the ram recleamer whas meant to the 24.2 but did not get ready

so it can be it is coming out when they has it ready

I can send you the name on the free version

But you have to remember the 24 serie is only to improve the norton Utilities ther is comming a lot of cool thing before the 25.1 i cant say what nda but if im right you will not get disapointet aboute this time next year and the 24.4 ore 24.5 is out then it is more like the old but i cant 100% but i hope so

wise memory optimizer is a free ram recleamer not ass good ass the old one but it is better then nothing to ther proberly is comming a real on in the norton utilities possible in the 24.3