Norton utilities

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Issue abstract: Utilities renewal

Detailed description: I have two suscriptions from Norton, norton 360 and Norton Utilities, both of which are set to automatic renewal. The 360 seems to renewed automatically but the Utilities hasnt fsr even though both are set to automatic renewal.

Product & version number:Norton Utilities (unfortunatly i cant seem to find the version number)

OS details: windows 11

What is the error message you are seeing?

Your Norton utilies Subscription as Expired

call norton but first download the news version the 24.2 from you norton account and test that it does not work if not call norton

the version number is in settingts and then updates and if i whas you il be happy to the 25.1 is comming erly next year the 24.3 is rename 25.1 becurse there is 5 major bugs in the norton utilities and ther is 4-6 new thing in the update also and it is also super nice thing

They need to add 7-10 new thing becurse there is
Just to many bugs so the. 24.3 fix many bugs and the 24.4 add many new thing if it is not in the 24.3 now whee see