I am trying to fix the security settings for another User on my computer. But even when signed in as Administrator or opening 360 as Administrator it will not allow me to make the change. Message is 'You need to be an Administrator to perform this action'. Any ideas ?
Hello Millikins
Welcome to the Norton Community Forum
Can you please tell us what operating system and service pack you are using and whether it is 32 or 64 bit? If you have a current subscription for N 360, you are entitled to a free upgrade to version 4. Upgrading may make it easier for you to do what you want to do. It is also much more secure than version 2 is. If you are interested in doing this, we can provide the links and instructions on how to do this. Thanks
Many thanks, have downloaded and installed v4.0 and have now been able to set up additional user correctly. I'm surprised that,as a subscriber, I was not made aware of the availability of 4.0 automatically. Unless of course I missed it completely !
Either way, many thanks for your help.
Hello Millikins
Please run live update until you get to version You may have to reboot to get that version to come thru live update.
Thanks also for coming back and giving us an update.
Since your problem seems to have been solved, can you please mark the post which solved your problem so that all will know that it has been solved and also will be able to find the solutioin quickly. ?Thanks.