I have a problem when I turn on the VPN it blocks the out going port 25 and wont allow me to send mail. I have tried all the fixes on the net and on this forum and nothing works. My operating system is Windows 10. Any help would be appreciated as every time I want to send mail I have turn off the VPN.
Good news. Glad I could help.
Thanks for the help worked now email is sending mail no problem.
Many web sites do not allow access from known VPN IP addresses. They do this for copyright, legal, security, and political reasons. There is nothing a VPN provider can or should do to circumvent these legal protections. See this How to Geeks article. https://www.howtogeek.com/403771/why-do-some-websites-block-vpns/
I see you are using Windows Live email. This article from process library dot com gives the file name and location. https://www.processlibrary.com/en/directory/files/wlmail/407745/
Thanks for the reply I am using a local client. I have tried to add .exe file but have had no luck finding it. I looked in windows (:c ) program files (86) I would guess that's where it should be. I would think Norton should have a fix?.
This is your email provider protecting your account from hackers using it for sending out spam.
How are you accessing your email? Web based, or using a local email client such as Thunderbird or Outlook? If web based, you need to contact the support for that service to ask for help using a VPN.
If a local client, you can add the .exe program file to the split tunnel feature of the Norton VPN. In the My Norton interface, click on the down arrow to the right of Turn on/off and click on Settings. Then click on Split Tunnel and search for the .exe file on your computer.