Hello All,
I have a SMB file server on my local network and everytime i enable Norton VPN on my computers, I loose access to the NAS. I was looking at ways to configure split tunnelling and found a smilar question on the forum (link below) suggesting adding explorer.exe as exception. A response suggests it is not a good practice but does not explain or provide best way to go about this.
Can a morderator let us know how we can configure Norton to allow access from local NAS server even with VPN connected ?
Negative, there are no VPN providers listed in this section.
I attempted to add Norton as new VPN provider but its not even listed in the "VPN Provider" list.. only Windows (build-in).
Just another thought coming to mind. Does the Norton VPN show in Windows settings in "Network & Internet", under VPN ? Any provider information there?
Thank you for your response.
Folders from from NAS on SMB share are mapped on my windows 10 PC via windows explorer and their network status just goes red (red cross i believe) when i enable VPN. Other than this , there is no other error message.
Hello Prashant. Do you get an error message when you loose access to the SMB shares?