Norton WiFi Privacy Options

Hello, I have a subscription to the Norton Internet Security product.  I just received an e-mail about online privacy and the Norton WiFi Privacy product which behaves like a VPN.

I'd like to know if I can install this product on my home router to provide VPN protection for all my house computers and mobile devices.

I'd also like to know if this VPN product provides access to U.S.A. content (Hulu, Netflix, etc) from international locations.  Thank you.

illumination Is correct. It cannot be installed or set up in your router. It is an app  that must be installed on the individual devices.

The Core product mentioned, will not give any VPN features.

NWP "Norton Wifif Privacy" as far as I know, is not able to be installed in your home router. Norton does have something along those lines for complete Network protection though called Norton Core "". 


As for accessing sites like Netflix and Hulu, your going to find, those sites are coming down hard on VPN's and generally will not allow access if they detect you are using one.