NortonSecurity.exe process constantly writing to my SSD disk more than 4GB a day on the idle computer.
This is not good especially when your C: drive is SSD.
NortonSecurity.exe process constantly writing to my SSD disk more than 4GB a day on the idle computer.
This is not good especially when your C: drive is SSD.
SoulAsylum:FWIW!! I removed Dell support assistant / PC Doctor from all my Dell machines eons ago. ...I currently have version on ONE machine with Dell Support OS Recovery version I'm not seeing any issues...
Hi SoulAsylum:
Thanks, but the latest SupportAssist OS Recovery v5.5.0.16041 supposedly fixed the high disk usage problem . I'm not concerned since I disabled System Repair in my SupportAssist settings several months ago.
I only suggested that the original poster ANDRZEJ NOWOSAD use the TreeSize Free utility to try and find the folder where NortonSecurity.exe is writing these GB of files since that might help us diagnose the problem. If the size of the diStRptr.dat and/or diStRptr.dat.log files in C:\ProgramData\Norton are increasing in size that might indicate that their computer is having problems connecting to the backend Norton servers to submit Norton Community Watch (NCW) telemetry data.
If the data is being written to a different Norton folder that might indicate that a Norton update is not working correctly - for example , that the Norton virus definitions are corrupted and Norton is repeatedly trying to download and install the full definition set, or that something went wrong during the install of the latest v22.21.10.40 product update. I recall a problem on my old 32-bit Vista SP2 machine where older SDS virus definitions were not being purged from my C:\Program Files\Norton Security\NortonData\22.15.x.x\Definitions\SDSDefs folder after a newer definition set was delivered, causing this folder to grow in size over time. If ANDRZEJ NOWOSAD's disk writes are caused by a problem with Norton's built-in updater then a clean install using the Norton Remove and Reinstall (NRnR) tool in advanced "Remove Only" mode as peterweb first suggested <above> would normally fix the problem, unless there's a bug in the latest Norton v22.21.10.40 that is only affecting certain users.
FWIW!! I removed Dell support assistant / PC Doctor from all my Dell machines eons ago. The CVE referenced below was the initial reason for that but has since been patched.
I currently have version on ONE machine with Dell Support OS Recovery version I'm not seeing any issues. The patches that are available IE: BIOS and Firmware were automatically patched for another vulnerability I was notified of on November 23, 2021. In the DSA settings I have the shown setting below set, zero unwanted scans are taking place. I also DO NOT have the SA set to load with Windows, as such the path C:\ProgramData\Dell\SARemediation\SystemRepair\ , the folder is bold is not present.
ANDRZEJ NOWOSAD:NortonSecurity.exe process constantly writing to my SSD disk more than 4GB a day on the idle computer.
If you are certain that Norton is writing these GBs of data to your hard drive and disabling Norton Community Watch as suggested <here> does not solve the problem after a re-boot, have you tried re-installing Norton using the Norton Remove and Reinstall (NRnR) tool in advanced "Remove Only" mode as instructed in the support article Download and Run the Norton Remove and Reinstall Tool for Windows? This advanced "Remove Only" mode does a better job of removing your Norton files and registry entries and gives you a cleaner reinstall than running the NRnR tool in "regular" mode.
If a clean reinstall of Norton doesn't help try using a disk space management utility like JAM Software's TreeSize Free utility to find the folder where these GBs of data are being written.
Here's a sample TreeSize Free screenshot of my C:\ProgramData folder that I captured in Jan 2021 that showed high disk usage in my hidden C:\ProgramData\Dell\SARemediation\SystemRepair\ folder, which is the location where my Dell SupportAssist OS Recovery software stores Dell system repair points. Over time I could see that hidden folder increase in size due to a known bug in Dell SupportAssist OS Recovery where the disk space used to store Dell system repair points was exceeding the allocated disk space.
The advice given here is absolutely SOLID. Those giving it do so from experience, passing it along to those who need the assistance. Please take note of this post by Lmacri as well. Its it entirely applicable. Disabling TRIM will also stop disc maintenance that is not necessary in Windows. Norton uses system call flags for disc maintenance regarding TRIM. Please read the entire thread as there may be a solution there for you.
We are trying to help you here. Remember we cannot see your system and have to rely on questions and answers to try to help. Can you at least confirm whether or not you have tried any of the suggestions?
You might also check the other Norton thread I linked above. There have been some new posts that might be relevant.
You say it is now 7GB. Have you restarted your computer to see if this is a cumulative total as I suggested might be happening in a post above. To be sure you have an accurate daily number, you would need to try restarting the computer and then checking the numbers at about the same time the next day.
for now, it is 7GB eaten from my SSD drive,…
..., useless advices!
no solution!!!
Did you try a reinstall of your product, with the clearing of Norton folders as I suggested above?
..., maybe I should stop using Norton and switch to a different product.
All responses are so far useless.
Maybe what you are seeing is similar to another user here.
As was suggested for that user, try reinstalling your Norton. Download and run the Norton Removal and Reinstall tool from and use the Advanced Options > Remove only. After the uninstall, look for and delete any leftover Norton folders, especially for the file that is noted in this other thread.
When did you last restart your computer? Those numbers might be cumulative since your last restart.
Today it is more than 5GB. What this process is doing when PC is doing nothing?
Have you seen this