Not completed on line back up recently?

Red icon appears on the 360 icon and message in the 360 is that online back up has not completed recently.


Yet there had been lots of back up completed dialogue boxes and going into my accounts log shows lots of completed back up!


There where five set up, four had the narration that the back ups had completed and one (olbup) had the narration not back up.


Subsequent to this I created five identical set ups except there destination was a an external disk drive and the one that was a mirror of olbup (edbup) I put to immediate manuel back up. The set up edbup was completely back up in a rapid fashion!


Investigations continue.

Try to run a manual backup for a single file/folder to Secure Online Storage- you can add a single file or folder to backup and uncheck other categories from the Backup Settings. When this backup completes, Norton 360 should recognize it and will no more prompt you for backup.

1. Right-click on your desktop, select New > Text File. Rename it as Test file.

2. Go to Backup settings, under What tab, uncheck all other files and folders.

3. Click Add or exclude file and folder, click Include File, and select the Test file from your desktop.

4. Under Where tab, select any of Secure Online Storage.

5. Under When tab, select Manual Backup and click Save Settings.

6. Click Run Backup Now. Check whether the backup completes successfully and let us know the results.



Thanks for the input yogesh - mohoen.


It was found on investigation that there were two files associated with an application "cache" which the 370 could not get access to. These files had been delete but the back-up set on automatic had not got around to processing the set they where in. The sub set the files had been in was manually put to back up and once complete the set up was then shown to be fully backed up.