Notifications are TOO BIG and won't close

Detailed description: Full Scan and other notifications are TOO BIG and you can’t close it. It is blocking my applications. Its annoying enough to find another products

If you have any supporting screenshots, please add them:
Attempting to screenshot is fruitless. the notifications disappear when you try to screen shot then return when you stop trying to screen shot.

@im_blessed I assume you are using a version of Windows that is modern. Please press these buttons on the keyboard CTRL+ALT+DEL/DELETE. The next screen that appears select “Task Manager”. When that opens you should be looking at running processes. Try to right click the Norton task that has scan in its name and select “end task”. That should close the notification.

Conversely, your Windows screen scaling are most likely set too high. If you can use this article to lower your scaling a bit to see if that corrects the issue when another scan notification appears. Checking your zoom settings is also recommended:


Thanks for your input.
My resolution is appropriate for the screen that I am using. Also, there is no option in the task manager processes for Nortan Scan. Perhaps because the scan is completed. The notification says “full scan complete”
I can click and click the notications until the cows come home and it goes nowhere.

The notification NEVER goes away. This big thing comes back even if I reboot.