I need a solution to this. I am not sure who else may has encountered something like this.
The Norton WiFi Privacy log-in and notification window is so... but SO small, that it is practically microscopic. I need a microscope to be able to see it ... let alone to either read it or to write anything there.
I am actually not sure if I am logged in to Norton WiFi Privacy in my computer or not since I am not able to see the log-in window. It pops up from the lower bar of the screen ut it is imposible to read.
I need help with this, please.
Has anybody experienced this with their computers?
You would think that a company with the resources and reputation of Norton would have resolved this problem ages ago. In fact, this problem should not even be an issue. What's worse is that Norton doesn't care as it hasn't addressed the issue at all. Tell me, has anyone ever experienced a problem like this with any other application? Probably not. One commenter stated that Norton would have a solution in a couple a months. What!? You've got to be kidding me!
Is anyone from Norton going to solve this? I cannot turn the VPN off because the box is so small and I can't see anything. Changing the resolution does not fix things.
Thanks for the insight on your support session(s).
Not sure if you got any answer on the Google pages and foreign languages. Here is s new Norton KB article on this. https://support.norton.com/sp/en/us/home/current/solutions/v117552099_EndUserProfile_en_us
Hello fellow frustrated NWP users; here is another FWIW comment.
I recently contacted NWP support on another matter (goofy Google search results appearing on a Farsi language Google page only when NWP is connected through Providence UT). As part of this contact I again mentioned my ongoing frustration with the too small NWP GUI. A tech support supervisor called me after my chat session and informed me that the tech support team was fully aware of the problem and that they had been assured that "engineering" was working on a fix. He also told me that they hope to see a significant version release sometime in the next couple of months. We can only hope that the GUI fix is included.
I agree with the comment by vpi93 regarding Norton Security GUI. It does not exhibit the "too small" GUI. However, it too could be improved by allowing users to resize and move the window as deemed appropriate by each user.
Also during my conversation with the tech support supervisor I realized that Norton was faced with the daunting task of porting NWP to multiple platforms, Linux, Android, IOS, Windows and probably more. Also they are actively adding more virtual internet connection points throughout the world so a lot of their resources are occupied with these tasks. Their engineering resources may be stretched rather thin at the moment.
B-T-W I do not work for or represent Norton or Symantec, I, like you, am just a user who pays $ for their products.
Hey Peter....I'm at 2736x1824. From reading posts, it definitely seems to be an issue with higher resolution monitors, although it also seems that on those monitors, lowering the resolution doesn't significantly improve the situation. FWIW, I have Norton Security as well, it has no issues.
Changed resolution all the way down to 1024 x 768 and still have the same problem (maybe I had to re-start my computer to see the difference... not sure about it). But in any case, I shouldn't have to change my resolution in order to sign in to this service. No realistic not useful.
My screen shot is identical to the other users that posted herein.
It seems to me that this is an old problem that NORTON simply decided to ignore.
Not sure if I want to keep that service if I can not even log-in. Right now I am not even sure if I am logged in or not since I can not see the miniscule window.
Just downloaded today on a Surface Pro 4 with Win10 FCU, and have exactly the same problem. I've seen a couple of threads on this issue, but no solution. Not sure if Norton is taking this issue seriously. If there's a solution I've missed, if a moderator could direct me to it that would be great. If not, will be looking for another VPN....
I too have this problem. In fact I reported this to NWP tech support quite some time ago. Someone from tech support worked on this for a couple of hours before giving up and simply collecting some screen shots and data. The technician led me to believe that Norton engineering was aware of this problem and was working on a "fix". I am now at least two versions more current with 1.2.162 and the problem is still there.
This problem only happens on my high resolution PC; 3200 x 1800 pixels.
The NWP window on a lower resolution PC (1920 x 1080) is much easier to read. However, the window cannot be manipulated, just like my high resolution screen, it always has a fixed size and location
This is the first time I've posted anything on these forums simply because most of the time no-one with the power to get such things fixed ever reads these postings.
If someone from Norton engineering is reading this I'd like to know.