I can't find any way to view online storage usage after getting messages "you have fully used your online storage." Every other cloud service let's you see what's in their cloud and how much space is left. The community says "ou can use the Norton Backup Drive to view the files that are backed up.,You can view the Norton Backup Drive after you configure backup.,You can then view the files on the Norton Backup Drive."
I cannot find a link to "Norton Backup Drive" anywhere in Norton 360 or my account at norton.com. I found why i was out of space. Norton backs up drives by the letter rather than disk name and after rebooting with different USB disks installed, the drive letter was reassigned to a bigger drive than the one I had Norton backing up. It shakes my confidence that I did not know my drive with personal info wasn't being backed up by Norton and a disk full of junk was and was consuming all the disk space. It's a good thing I didn't just succomb to the marketing pitch to increase storage, which I might have done if I was able to view the contents of the cloud drive.