NSC.exe Bad Image - 0Patch

Periodically getting the attached image.
From researching this it seems like this happens now and then with 0Patch and other apps. The only solution posted seems to be to run LiveUpdate. I have, yet still getting it intermittently. I’ve also excluded the 0Patch folder from both sections in the options and still getting it.

W7 x64, using 0Patch to keep patched with security updates (now ESU patches have ended).

Using Norton Security

Other examples:

I’m aware as per the 0Patch post I can “disable injection of 0patchLoaded.dll into NSc.exe.”, however thought I’d post here first as the root cause seems to be a Norton issue.

Hmm I did use return as usual, but then when I actually post it just scrunched it all up. Oh well.

Anyway, yep! Reinstalling doesn’t make a difference, and the agent keeps itself up to date anyway, and is listed as “latest” via the portal. Version

I reckon the automatic background scan is tripping over it now and then, as it is very intermittent I see the error message. Everything seems to be working besides that, though.

EDIT: Happened again after leaving my PC idle for 5 or so mins.

The forums are double spaced by defaults so that is hard coded. Usually pressing the enter key gets you to the next line as a new paragraph would begin.

Does Opatch report it has the latest available patches installed and/or available? Have you attempted to remove and reinstall the Opatch agent in the attempt to validate whether it is somehow corrupted? 


Just randomly during computer use, not on boot. Though I’ve seen it on the lock screen if I’ve left it for a while. Couple of times a day.
I’ve added the folder to Items to Exclude from Scans, and Items to Exclude from AutoProtect etc. too (which is where the .exe lives).

Yes of course, fully Windows patched, SP1 etc. including the 3 years of Extended Security Updates. I’m now running 0Patch to plug security holes, as official support has now ended, to tide me over until I buy a new PC and use a newer OS version. (Not really worth upgrading my current one).

Unsure exactly when it started. I can only say “recently” (last week or two?). First thing I did was research it and run LiveUpdate, however that made no difference.

How do you manage good paragraph formatting on here? It seems to collapse it all into one block.

Hello Bob. Are you seeing this only at boot time or just randomly? Have you also ran the sfc/ scannow and DISM scenarios to check your Windows install for other issues which may be contributing? 

Were you seeing this BEFORE the updates for Norton to or, then when it went to I also assume you have the SHA2 updates installed and are on at least SP1.