The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142) NSc.exe
I have done all updates, removed and reinstalled the N360 program. This occurs when screen saver is running, popup with the message appears, everything freezes. Been using ctrl-alt-delete to restart screen, goes back to desktop. Happening more frequently now, 3 times today.
I continue to have the same error, now 2-3 times per day. The same "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142) NSc.exe" error. There have been a few responses, none of which have solved the issue. Many are not relevent.
I have removed and reinstalled the program. Changed it to run as admin. Cannot locate the autofix tool.
There must be some tech support system that can address this, not just forum posts.
Also-the program refuses to recognize my home PC as Trusted, despite clicking the Trusted box every time I sign in.
Never had these issues in the past with Norton, making me wonder if it's as reliable as it used to be.