NSS Firewall BLOCKING Windows 10 Mail App

Lots of other people are reporting Microsoft Mail App problems. Notifications not working, live tile not displaying, no sound notification and email arriving very late.

I have gone thru every Mail App setting in Windows 10 more than once. I have been involved in Mail App posts on Microsoft Community forums, adding up the other people who post or click "ME TOO' I come up with 30 people currently having these problems. I do not know how many of them have Norton.

Here is what I have done. I permanently disabled my Norton Firewall. Then I restarted my computer and checked CONTROL PANEL > WINDOWS FIREWALL it was ON.

Now my Microsoft Mail App WORKS PERFECTLY. Live tile, sounds, notifications and speedy email. It is easy for me to test this because I have 5 email accounts and can send myself emails. I hope Norton is working on a HOTFIX.