NSS How to Exclude files and Folders

There are many files that NSS is deleting from my computer. I know they are not bad but NSS sees them as risks. I have these files to use with programs that were made privately. 


So how do I exclude these files and folders from all scans that NSS performs.




Hi Millie,


From main page of NSS, Select Settings > Antivirus > Scans and Ricks Tab > then under Exclusions/LowRisks > click on the Configure(+) next to   Items to exclude from scan.  Once the next page opens, click on ADD and then you can enter the folder/file/etc that you want excluded from the scan.  Please note the file folder icon will permit you to browse so tyou can find your folder easily.  Once entered you can OK out (or add more files/folders.


Please let us know if this helps.


BTW - I go by USAF_E-8_RET over on the Comcast forums.

This is exactly what I was needing. So now I have added the folders and files that I was concerned about. This will work great and you gave a perfect explanation of the steps need to get me there.


Thanks so much.


Hugs, Millie

Glad things worked out for you Millie and you are very welcome!