For Symantec,
I have encountered a couple of problems which I believe need your attention.
I have the latest NU version My sig line has other details of my system.
Issue #1:
It appears that whenever a Windows Explorer file is accessed with a .wtv extension a Registry error is detected as indicated in the enclosed scan.log file. You will see this in the very top entry of the log file as FX - 1.
This might be a good one to have NU automatically ignore.
Issue #2:
Whenever the event viewer is accessed (type event in the start menu search box) another error is detected by NU. This appears to be a Windows OS issue since the path referenced in the registry key is clearly incorrect. The path indicated in the registry key is:
which is NOT correct. On my system at least the correct path for this file is actually:
It would appear that Windows is adding a registry key which includes the wrong path. Should we just ignore this in NU or try to get Microsoft to correct this?
Please see the last FOUR entries in the scan.log file for this issue.
Issue #3
At seemingly random times a Custom Scan detects numerous problems related to JRE. I have had the Registry Monitor loaded to alert me to changes in the system registry and though none are detected, at random times I have ~300 errors detected with JRE. I have the latest Java 6 Update 17 installed on my system.
The registry key points to a path of: d:\program files\java\jre6\bin\jp2iexp.dll
which is absolutely incorrect. There is NO file of this name anywhere in the JAVA path. The nearest match I can find is in:
D:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\jpiexp.dll. (NOTE the difference in file name without the 2)
This appears to be a problem with the JAVA application and it seems likely that SUN has a bug here. I feel strongly that we should not ignore these errors (except maybe as a temporary measure) but instead get SUN to resolve this.
Again, the enclosed scan.log file will make this apparent.
I reiterate, the Registry Monitor does NOT detect changes when issue #3 occurs. It appears to happen at random times. In between this problem occurring I get CLEAN scans as indicated in the scan2.log file (also attached).
Please let me know if you would like other details on this issue and I will be happy to collect them.
Thanks much