One Big Problem About Symantec in Iran Please Answer honestly

Some of the Norton I heard from Iran because the Iranian American Political Problems
Iran will not betray the trust of users and for users to hit it
I am user Since 2007 until now and really believe in the Symantec logo and I'm prejudiced.
Please give us a powerful answer to I put in my Persian blog
Symantec Forums to find out the truth in my country Iran.


some stupid people in iran say:symantec not protect them Because the support team not support persian user.

They say : symantec product install spyware in iranian user's because persian User trust them.

but i say this is bull**bleep** and all symantec fans Agreed.

persian User need a proof from symantec for show to the iran fans and say:They truly do care about persian user's and protect them.

Thanks Golden Boy ..... but how can Symantec prove a negative? That they do not install spyware?


If users in Iran can buy the Norton products doesn't that indicate some degree of at least neutrality in a political arena?

Some of the Norton I heard from Iran because the Iranian American Political Problems
Iran will not betray the trust of users and for users to hit it
I am user Since 2007 until now and really believe in the Symantec logo and I'm prejudiced.
Please give us a powerful answer to I put in my Persian blog
Symantec Forums to find out the truth in my country Iran.


yes symantecuser in iran can buy norton but for Country not select iran always choose germany or u.k ,....

iranian user send symantec new virus and help symantec discovernew virusfrom iran many user have a problem with norton and contact support ,and support find user in iran can't help or quickly disconnect from support.Not fair

i Request SYMANTEC to open support door to iranian user because We're human.We are not animals.

every day symantec user in iran come to please in firest page of symantec Write this:

According to the Symantec support to its users in Iran will be soon

and with this note every one in iran accept I was right .and symantec love  every user not hate them.

and write my name in to proof them one user from iran do this for them.

AlexanderMahone my name in iran forum.

thanks thanks   thanks thanks thanks    thanks  thanks thanks thanks       thanks thanks thanks       thanks thanks thanks

thanks thanks thanks         thanks thanks thanks  thanks thanks thanks   thanks thanks thanks   thanks thanks thanks

If I understand clearly Symantec does not support or do business in Iran. Perhaps they are boycotting Iran as most businesses are (I believe Iran is under economic sanction by the US and UN. Correct me if I’m wrong.)

I don't think Symanec "boycotts" anyone but it has to observe US Government export restrictions which include both embargoes on countries as well as security restrictions since Identity Safe contains high level cryptography.


You may remember that Public Test Betas could not be sent abroad to some countries until the product got clearance papers and that at least one of those countries is one that is strongly supported by the USA ....

Symantec is bound by Export Control Laws which govern the export of goods and services to certain countries, as explained here:


Just a reminder:  Discussion of legal matters is prohibited in the forums - I post this since it is a public document on the Symantec website but urge that there be no comments concerning its contents.



but come on help me only open support for persian user .we know howbuy norton in iran :

visa card+other country(german -france-spain)and VPN=buy norton.

we need support for problem.thanks