I continually get alerts that read that one of my kids has disabled Norton Online monitoring on my home computer. I am the administrator, and NO ONE has the password except me. What does this mean? And how or IS he disabling Norton Online monitoring? PLEASE HELP?
Hi Xqwizet,
Do the kid's Web activities get recorded on the Web Activity page after you receive the alerts?
Did you ever find out how? If so, how can this problem be resolved? Thanks!
Is he/she disabling something in the components file on your hard drive?
I've exactly the same problem: I'm receiving every day a message "Norton Safety Minder on xxx used by yyy has been disabled. As you know, Norton Safety Minder is required on every computer monitored by OnlineFamily.Norton.".
Of course, no activity is logged after the message is issued, and I've confirmation from my son he did nothing intentional to disable/kill the monitoring process (moreover, he has no admin rights).
Big trouble is that when safetyminder crashes, web browsers got stuck: the only way for him to continue navigating is either starting firefox in safe mode (for some unknown reasons, this allows him browsing the web), or rebooting the PC (safetyminder restarts to work).
For your records, I've Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit, updated with latest patch set (french language version).
I would like to echo the post above. I have exactly the same issue going on here, although I have just received my first e-mail message with that same posting. I have no idea how the Safety Minder could have been disabled - very similar story. The e-mail said that the Client is turned off. Yet, when looking at it logged in as my son, it says it is enabled--- even though when I log in as parent to online.family norton it says "Norton safety Minder is not running". Please help. Thanks.
I'm on Windows XP
It happened now!
Got the message by mail, but when looking at the PC where my son is logged, SM still says being active and if asking for example remaining time, it answers.
I have the same problem and I know its not my kids fault.
I get almost every day an email message stating :
"Norton Safety Minder on xxx used by xxx has been disabled. As you know, Norton Safety Minder is required on every computer monitored by OnlineFamily.Norton."
After spending much time fighting with my son about this and demanding to tell my how he does it, since he insisted he doesn't do anything , I decided to test it my self. So I got into his account and worked there for the 1 hour he was allowed. After about 1,5 hour I realized the program was not running and I did receive the email message.
I also have to add that in the activity report I, very often, get a logged out message when my kids log in and no record as to when they log out.
The result of all this is that I can in no way control how much time they spent on their computer.
I forgot to mention that when I log to my account, on my kids computer, (as the administrator) I get :
"Error: "Symantec Service Framework has encountered a problem and needs to close..." after you install Norton Safety Minder from OnlineFamily.Norton on Windows XP"
Any suggestions?
I keep getting the same thing - I have 2 computers and it only happens on the DELL. I was a programmer for many years and I am certain this is a BUG in the Norton software, nothing to do with the kids.
If you are seeing a Service Framework crash, then clearly there is a problem / conflict and we would like to take a look at your logs from your system.
If you see a "tamper" (what we call it when you see a disable message in email) message and you are certain it is not your child, do you see it when you shutdown your system? Do you go into hibernate mode? How are you exiting the system. There is an issue which we have been trying to track down with respect to closing the system down and we are in the middle of doing a policy update. Policy updates and other things happen in the background and there may be an issue here.
Has Norton resolved this issue? This is really getting annoying. PLEASE, if there is an explanation and a solution, let us all know.
Thank you!
Can you be specific about the problem you are seeing?
The product reporting that something is wrong is standard behavior for it to protect itself against tampering by the child. Do you get a tamper every day? Every hour?
Are you certain your child has not tampered with the product?
I am having the same problem, my son disables the Norton simpy by right clicking on the icon in the bottom right bar. Also when the curfew starts, Norton does not log him out, but continues on....
Same for me. The kid’s account has the option to disable safety minder by right-clicking the safety minder icon, and of course that’s what he does! So I guess this is a bug… Rob
If your children are using the right click on the paw and clicking disable, clearly they have your password. If they did not then executing that function which by the way brings up a username / password dialog would have no affect.
Please be sure your children do not have your password.
This is not a bug, this allows you as the parent to disable the software at any time.
I receive the same message from 2 of my children's accounts. It has been going on for about 3 weeks. I seem to remember disabling their account so that we could look at something that we were being blocked from. Do I need to re-enable the account ? Thanks
If you look at the tray of their machine you should see a yellow and black paw, this is the Norton Safety Minder tray icon. If it is grey then you have disabled the software and probably set it to "next login or restart". After the next login or restart of the computer, Norton Safety Minder should be enabled again.
Try to use another program) I use ProteMac KeyBag to monitor children)) There was no case they break it since they do not know about it, it is undetectable!
Since Norton Online Family is not intended to be spyware we want parents and children to have conversations about what they are doing online.
I have received the same notification when my son isn't even ON the computer!