I have two computers and have to reset my online identity vault password each time I want to login from my other computer. I have lost years of identity information because resetting also wipes your vault clean, but the only way to access my vault is to reset the password. For example, I reset the password yesterday on my home pc and the identity vault then worked fine, but my laptop pc could not login with the same password. I tried closing my vault on my home pc thinking maybe you can only have your vault open on one pc at a time, but when I closed the vault from my home pc, I still could not login from my laptop and once again had to reset the password. Now I can login from my laptop, but not my home pc. The error I get each time is incorrect login or password. I do not want to start filling my vault up again until I can resolve this issue. Is anyone else experiencing this problem and what have you done to resolve. I'm running Windows 7-64bit and IE9 on both pc's.