Opening ports



This is a repetition of an old post I had!  I have a laptop and PC networked. When I try to access my PC from my laptop I get a password dialog box asking for username and password. I'd like to know how to open TCP and UDP ports in Norton 360. 

I took a look at the Network Security Map and on my PC there is a red cross (at risk) showing on the PC and on the laptop a red cross on my laptop (at risk). Why are they at risk?. Also the network works intermittently.

Many thanks,


Hello Peter


Welcome to the Norton Community Forum


If you instaled NIS 2011 over the top of NIS 2010, the instalation will not keep custom fire wall rules so those ports should be closed unless they are needed by your programs.


                i did uninstall nis 2010 first i believe, but the port is still open, it was a listening port for Bitcomet and it was a port i set, when i now use the port forward checker it says this port is still open, even though i have now changed this port in Bitcomet to a new one, also the router is a new one so i know that it has nothing to do with the port being set open within the router.


Its very strange, where can i check within NIS if the rule i made is stil there??





Hi Pete,


Do you recall if you opened this port for a speecific program or was it a General rule?


General Rule:


You can check the firewall rules from Settings > Network Settings > Smart Firewall > Advanced Settings and click the Configure just to the right of this selection.


Then click Configure on General Rules on the next window.


Be sure not to remove something other than what you have previously added yourself.


If it was a program specific port rule:


Go to Settings > Network Settings > Smart Firewall > Program Control and click the Configure button to the right of this. Search through the list. If you find anything which is not set to AUTO it is probably something you added as NIS by default sets everything to AUTO.


BTW, what version of NIS 2011 do you have? You can find this from Support > About.


Hope this helps.


Best wishes.


Thanks very much


                                 i will try it out when i get home.



Hi Pete,


You are most welcome. :smileyhappy:


Please let me know how it goes.


Best wishes.


Thanks Allan


                     all sorted


   well i have found the settings but cant see anything that says the port i'm after is open using a rule.


If i remove Bitcomet from the program list within nis will it automaticaly add it again the next time i use the program and reset any rules back to the default setting.


Or is there anything i can use that will tell me what program is using the port.


Im 100% sure that is the the Listening port that i set Bitcomet to use and im all positive that the listening port has been changed to a new one so i cant get my head around why this port is still coming up as open when i check it using the port forwarding program.



Hi Pete,


Which port do you believe is open and is it TCP, UDP, ICMP, etc?


Was Bitcomet set to ALLOW or AUTO or CUSTOM? If it was set to AUTO then it is most likely a rule NIS set up on its own. If set to either of the other two choices then it was probably a rule you added at some point in the past.


But yes you can remove this from the program list and NIS will add it back when needed.


In general when you do a major upgrade between product years (2010-2011, etc) any custom firewall rules are lost but I have seen times they get retained on my own computers.


So go ahead and remove this from the program list and then see what happens when it gets added back. Once Bitcomet attempts to use the internet it should get added back almost immediately.


If you want to confirm what ports are or are not open you can visit and run the ShieldsUp tool.


Please let me know how it goes.


Best wishes.


Hello Pete


If you do have a new router, that will also have to be configured for that service.

Thanks floplot


                                i have configured the new router with the new listening port and that is working fine.


I havent had chance yet to reply to AllenM's post but hopefully in the next few days i will do.


Thanks again



Hi All

                 well im even more confused now, when i test using shields up both the ports that im looking at pass the test, yet when i try the ports using the port forward program it tells me they are both open!!


The port i want shut is 4774 and according to port forward its open as TCP & UDP, yet shields up says its stealth.


Bitcomet was set to auto in NIS so i didnt bother to delete it.


If shields up says its passed should i just ignore what port forward is saying??





Hi Peter7769,


The ShieldsUp results are for the router, not the Norton Firewall.

Hello Pete


With all this chat about opening or closing ports, does the program work with NIS 2011 installed?

Hi Peter7769,


My recommendation would be to reset all the Norton Smart Firewall rules to their defaults (Network Settings > Smart FIrewall Advanced Settings > Firewall Reset > Reset[+]).  This will stealth all ports and prompt Norton to recreate rules for all of your programs, including Bitcomet.  You will then be assured that everything is locked down and that Bitcomet will only be using the port that is asks for when it accesses the internet.


     I have recently installed NIS 2011 and before that I was using NIS 2010, I'm sure that in the 2010 version there was a section that allowed me to open certain ports, I now need to close these ports but can't seem to find this option within 2011


Can anyone give me a quick guide as to where to find this option?





Hi floplot


                  yes the pogram works fine with NIS installed, i was just concerend about this open port 4774


As posted by SendOfjive


"My recommendation would be to reset all the Norton Smart Firewall rules to their defaults (Network Settings > Smart FIrewall Advanced Settings > Firewall Reset > Reset[+]).  This will stealth all ports and prompt Norton to recreate rules for all of your programs, including Bitcomet.  You will then be assured that everything is locked down and that Bitcomet will only be using the port that is asks for when it accesses the internet."


I have now done this also, but Port Forward still says that its open!! 







If you are using a web-based program to check for open ports, it will only be able to see the router's port configurations and will not tell you about the Norton Firewall.  If this is what you are doing, then Norton may well be stealthing all ports.


If you do not have TCPView, a free program from Microsoft/Sysinternals, download it and run it.  It will show you all open network connections - ports, addresses and the programs that are using the network.  It will tell you if port 4774 is in use, and if so, by what program.

Ok thanks, i will try  it over the weekend and report back.



Thanks, downloaded and run and no port 4774 showing,


Very Strange, just FYI this is the program i was using that was telling me the port was open..


Port Forward


Thanks for everyones help, guess i can stop worrying.....for now :smileywink:

