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Issue abstract:
pwd mgr & cloud bk say they need set up, yet i’ve had them configured for years
Detailed description:
Have had Norton since 2009 and Norton 360 probably since its inception. The pwd mgr is “disabled” and needs “Set Up”, yet i’d been using it recently (this week? late last week?). I also have a subset of directories on Cloud Backup, but it, too, says it needs Set Up.
Product & version number:
Norton 360. Did not see version info in the app (settings icon, “?” icon, search icon - no luck finding version). Got props from desktop icon:
Please check to see if your Norton Password Manager extension is enabled…maybe there was a browser update or extension needs an update?
What browser? version#?
Norton Password Manager version#?
Are you Sign’d In at My Norton dashboard?
Maybe, your Norton account credentials dropped off?
Have you restarted your machine. Yesterday, was M$ Patch Tuesday.
Have you run Windows Update?
Thanks, @bjm. Your advice Please check to see if your Norton Password Manager extension is enabled…maybe there was a browser update or extension needs an update? got me back in business with passwords. The browser plugin “needed repair” so i dropped it and reinstalled. I’m all good on that score now, thank you.
Thanks, too, for the link on switching views. Given that my view has a (somewhat useless) Settings option, it would not have occurred to me to go to Device Security to find an alternate Settings option. (I’m a lifelong software dev and this kind of menu design gets under my skin.) Anyway, the option to change my view is disabled:
My attempts at uploading screenshots are meeting with an error pop-up.
Both your questions: No. “My Norton” is the only UI i get. When i do My Norton Home > Device Security > Settings i have a “Launch View” area in the lower left, subtitled “Select what you see first when you launch Norton”. Below that there’s a grayed-out, uneditable, dropdown box with “My Norton” as the default (and i guess only) option.