Password manager not recognising android apps

Note: Please do not post Personally Identifiable Information like email address, personal phone number, physical home address, product key etc.

Issue abstract:

Detailed description: This happens with a lot of android apps. It works fine on websites. Am I doing something wrong when I add a new login? Is there something different you have to do when adding an android app login?

Product & version number:
Norton Password manager

OS details:
Android 13 tablet & Android 14 phone

What is the error message you are seeing?
We cannot validate the authenticity of this application.
Do you want Norton Password Manager to fill your Credentials?
If you have any supporting screenshots, please add them:

right now there is a bug in the system norton nows aboute it when they got som info they send me a email so you just has to take it easy it is not a easy fix like the 6 major bug in norton utilities also not is so right now they got som major problem in the intire system and they is not happy hope i soon got som info to you and that is why the 25.1 to the norton utilities is not a small update

it works now reed the info aboute it works

there is more info in other post in the password manager info site there possible fix you problem

You cannot use the Norton Password Manager, NPM, for just any apps you have. Norton has to hard code the apps into the NPM app for it to work.

What apps are not working that you would like to have added?

Thank you PeterWeb, I’m sorry I haven’t replied before. My wife is in Hospital. I will get back to this soon with a list of Android Apps. Thank you.

remember you has to use the norton password manager app