
Can passwords saved in Identity safe be transferred to my iPhone?  If so how is that done.




Is Identity safe not filling in the forms correctly?



Can you give us your version of Norton.



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Hi drtabu,


Welcome to Norton Community!


Which version of Norton product you use?

Are you accessing hotmail using your Web browser (like Internet Explorer, Firefox) or using any email client (like Outlook, Outlook Express)?

What is your Operating System?

Did the issue started happening suddenly or after you install any new software?




ld5020 wrote:

If I sign into Norton Community on my Laptop, will all my password sign ins be availble on both computers?

It is your Norton Account that allows you to have the passwords available to other computers. The Community is this forum.


You have to set up your Identity Safe to save the data online.


Click on the Identity Safe link in your browser's Norton Toolbar. Then click Options - Settings. Then click on Configure beside Move Data Online. Follow the directions to finish the setup.


Once set up, you go to your other computer and sign into the newly created online vault.

Hi ElandiaJinx,


Have you set Norton 360 to turn off your browser's password manager? 

You can check this by navigating to Setting (main UI) > Identity Protection (under Detailed settings) > Configure+ (next to Browsing options) > Turn off the browser's password manager (Should display No). By default i think it displays Yes.


Do try these steps. Hopefully should solve your issue.



bunnyrn wrote:

I now have Norton 360 2013 version on my PC. I seem to be having a problem with my passwords for different sights.

After a scan has been completed, my automatic passwords are being deleted and I am having to redo them every time.

How do I stop my automatic passwords from being deleted?


What is your operating system and can you log into your MyNortonAccount?


Login to your Norton account online and delete the vault.


Perhaps the images below will show the sequence I am talking about in regards to the copy and paste method.

Password  gen.PNG

Use the copy function in Password Manager


Below is within the log-in entry you desire to change.

paste.PNGHope this helps explain what I was referring to.


There was an excellent suggestion posted in the following link - perhaps you can add your support to that Product Improvement:

It is possible to generate a password in the generator and then use the Copy option and then go to the log-in and edit the password with a Paste.  In other words you can copy and paste passwords from the generator into the edit function of the log-in you are changing the password for.


Hello moandto. Follow this guide to edit your logins. Your backups that are created automatically are stored locally on your device at Users\<User Name>\My Documents\Norton Password Manager Backups\<Norton account name>   To export your data please use this guide. Happy holidays!!!


If you are using a cloud vault on your PC, just install the Identity Safe (or Norton Password Manager, new name for ID Safe) app on your iPhone. When you sign into your vault, all your logins will be there.


One of the passwords in stored logins.

Are you trying to change your vault password, or just one of the passwords in your stored logins?