Help I need to get rid of this ... PC App Store and McAfee stuff they keep throwing out in RED pop up boxes in center screen. The one community post i found, was current this year but closed? And the link to help goes to yet another site (NOT Norton) for many of that companies apps to download and solve the problem. Does Norton NOT have a fix for this? I am also wondering how this PC App Store got past my two Norton programs, Norton 360 and Norton Utilities. Why did the prior, and I think it was from June 2023 post about this get closed and not post a fix. Am I able to get this removed and taken care of using Norton? Need help on this one!
PC App Store is the name of a legitimate program that malware developers have impersonated as a cover for a variety of malware that are being distributed in crack programs.
When PC App Store is installed, it waits until an Internet connection becomes available to connect to a remote server or website in order to download additional malicious programs onto the infected computer. This Trojan may install adware, Trojans, rootkits, and other types of malware.
PC App Store is installed by the users, whether that is knowingly or not. Often, this type of program is offered through advertisements, cracks for games, or bundled with other software, leaving the user puzzled about where this software came from.
Unfortunately, some free downloads do not adequately disclose that other software will also be installed and you may find that you have installed PC App Store without your knowledge.
If you are still having problems with your computer after completing these instructions, then please
34 security vendors and no sandboxes flagged this file as malicious
PCAppStore.exe - 1.80 MB
Website blocked due to riskware
Website Blocked:
v2.6.13 | Riskware: 2.0.202311081916
Malwarebytes Browser Guard blocked this page because it may contain malicious activity.
14 security vendors and no sandboxes flagged this file as malicious
Setup.exe - 120.16 KB
1 security vendor and no sandboxes flagged this file as malicious
pcappstore_offical_5.0.1.8682.exe - 22.17 MB
Problem not solved. The PC App Store remains. The free versions of the two linked apps, are both on my computer, they have blocked the very offensive virus, malware, pop up blocking PC App Store. But I am just guessing here ... but neither one will remove the said offending virus, most likely not until I pay for their paid version. So for now, my money is invested in Norton, but if they do not provide a fix, when my current paid status is up, I will invest in some other program that will and can remove and then block any further offenders.
well another good one popped onto the screen while trying to get "Malwarebytes" to find and destroy the very offending attacking, annoying, time consuming, work stopping, bothersome, space taking "PC APP STORE" ! While trying to get Malwarebytes to do it's thing, this popped up in a windows box: "can't be completed because the folder or a file in it is open in another program" ... well yes, it is the stupid "PC APP STORE" virus attaching my computer!!!! So yea it is open!!! I do not recommend using the free version of Malwarebytes, your not gonna get anywhere with it ... so I guess cancel the renewal to Norton and spend the money on buying the Premium version of Malwarebytes and / or TotalAV. another day wasted due to an piece of trash program that made it through Norton protections, and that Norton is unable to fix. does it sound like i am a bit ticked off at this point ... YEA!
I would recommend not to even waste your time trying to use Rkill or its other name iExplore.exe. i have used them both in an attempt to removed the much hated, bothersome, annoying, work stopping, screen covering .... "PC APP STORE" Virus/AddWare/Malware. This Rkill, which we are suppose to use because Norton did not protect us from this "PC APP STORE" attack, and Norton has no fix. Well all the Rkill does it put up a box, says it is checking, then reports "No malware services found to stop", then "No malware processes found to kill" and then "No issues found in the Registry". And guess what, during one of the many attempts to get Rkill to remove PC APP STORE, right over the top of the Rkill screen up pops a bright red and very annoying PC APP STORE red box! Norton needs to get their act together and fix this!
For those that wanted a screen print. Again my screen print works, I print out thing most every day but screen print is NOT working on this, maybe part of the bad guys programing? And this community board does not allow jpeg which my phone took, and after trying every edit program I have, I have been unable to convert the photos to txt, pdf or zip. so I am unable to post them here.
Couple things, first thanks so much for the reply. Any help at all is useful, as my limited skills are proving fruitless. That prior post I had found, was not the one attached above. I think because one has "App PC Store" and mine and the other has "PC App Store". The links I had checked before posting here that offered help offered McAfee and also Avast on them, both of which are part of the problem being included in the offending unwanted pop ups. But I guess the bad guys know that! Ah attack a Norton user, with unwanted pop up adds for McAfee and Avast. Working through some of the suggestions now ... fingers crossed. A request was made for screen print, which normally works on my computer, but will not take a screen print of this!!!!! Took some with my cell phone, just need to figure out how to attach them here tho, not something I know how to do. The wife will know ... :)
PC App Store and McAfee stuff they keep throwing out in RED pop up boxes in center screen. The one community post i found, was current this year but closed? And the link to help goes to yet another site (NOT Norton) for many of that companies apps to download and solve the problem. Why did the prior, and I think it was from June 2023 post about this get closed and not post a fix.
~ users abandon their thread without posting progress.
~ thread are closed after 30 days inactivity.
Norton Community has not done malware remediation for long time.
Norton Community does not have dedicated restricted malware remediation boards.
Norton Community does not have trained qualified malware removal expert users to help users.
Norton Community is primarily user to user product help.
1) I am also wondering how this PC App Store got past my two Norton programs, Norton 360 and Norton Utilities.
2) Why did the prior, and I think it was from June 2023 post about this get closed and not post a fix.
1) PC App Store is installed by the users, whether that is knowingly or not. Often, this type of program is offered through advertisements, cracks for games, or bundled with other software, leaving the user puzzled about where this software came from.
Unfortunately, some free downloads do not adequately disclose that other software will also be installed and you may find that you have installed PC App Store without your knowledge.
You should always pay attention when installing software because often, a software installer includes optional installs. Be very careful what you agree to install.
Always opt for the custom installation and deselect anything that is not familiar, especially optional software that you never wanted to download and install in the first place. It goes without saying that you should not install software that you don’t trust. (source MalwareTips)
2) what's the post/thread URL? sometimes users abandon their thread without posting progress.
Norton Community has not done malware remediation for long time.
Norton Community does not have dedicated restricted malware remediation boards.
Norton Community does not have trained qualified malware removal expert users to help users.
Norton Community is primarily user to user product help.