I bought "PC CleanUp" online today from Norton along with the Norton 360 Multi-Device anti virus. The invoice said to use the PC CleanUp within 30 days. How do I access it? There are no instructions.
I too have paid for this as an extra to my subscription. No information on the website on how to activate , I then contacted support on line and they then referred me to an '08000852363' phone number. I have just tried it and have got the 'number not recognised' message.
I am NOT impressed with the Norton service at all.
I bought "PC CleanUp" online today from Norton along with the Norton 360 Multi-Device anti virus. The invoice said to use the PC CleanUp within 30 days. How do I access it? There are no instructions.
sjnplym wrote:I too have paid for this as an extra to my subscription. No information on the website on how to activate , I then contacted support on line and they then referred me to an '08000852363' phone number. I have just tried it and have got the 'number not recognised' message.
I am NOT impressed with the Norton service at all.
That is not a US style number is it? What country are you in please? Are you sure you are in contact with Norton itself?
I see there is a UK PC Cleanup: http://pc-cleanup.co.uk/ Could you be in their hands?
Its a UK 'freephone' number I was originally given - thanks for the link, I'll check it out
sjnplym wrote:Its a UK 'freephone' number I was originally given - thanks for the link, I'll check it out
I thought so <s>
Note that that link I gave is NOT Norton but some other third party so if you are sure you have a Norton product don't go there, at least not for help!
sjnplym wrote:I too have paid for this as an extra to my subscription. No information on the website on how to activate , I then contacted support on line and they then referred me to an '08000852363' phone number. I have just tried it and have got the 'number not recognised' message.
I am NOT impressed with the Norton service at all.
Can you provide a link to the web site you made your purchase from? That way we can help determine whether or not it was a legitimate Norton site.
Eventually had a call back from Norton today. The UK number to phone about this is 0800 0852364, then you will get put through to Norton in USA who then remotely perform the PC clean up - why isnt this made clear on the website, one simple sentence woul save hours of aggravation.
sjnplym wrote:Eventually had a call back from Norton today. The UK number to phone about this is 0800 0852364, then you will get put through to Norton in USA who then remotely perform the PC clean up - why isnt this made clear on the website, one simple sentence woul save hours of aggravation.
Again I would ask that you let us know what web site you made your purchase from? There are many companies that may sell Norton products, and may provide service, but they are in no way affiliated with Norton.
I have been unable to verify that that phone number is actually for Norton. It may be, but I would not want wrong information being relied on.
Krusty13 wrote:Is this what you are talking about?
If you click the Learn More link it will take you to this page - http://us.norton.com/nortonlive/ultimate-help-desk.jsp - with some FAQ's and a 'How it works?' link plus a video.
Purchased Norton though Symantec and the number worked for me - I was then transferred to the US and was given an alternative number if the first one didnt work - it was 08000488173, but had no problem (eventually) with the clean up.
I to purchased PC Cleanup for $9.99 from https://buy.norton.com/estore/mf/confirmationOrderOnline without getting any instructions on how to use it. 30 days and counting...
I to purchased PC Cleanup for $9.99 from https://buy.norton.com/estore/mf/confirmationOrderOnline without getting any instructions on how to use it. 29 days and counting...
I was thrown off by the different name PC Clean vs PC Powerboost. Are they the same???
I believe PC Powerboost is something different as it appears to be a paid service I need to sign up for. When I purchased Norton 360 I paid $9.99 for PC Clean and when I viewed the sales receipt, is states, use within 30 days.
I also purchased PC Cleanup for $9.99 from https://buy.norton.com/estore/mf/confirmationOrderOnline without getting any instructions on how to use it. 28 days and counting...
McRoggie: I can see in your account that you have a Virus Removal Assurance together with your Norton product and a PC clean up service.
McRoggie: May I know how can I help?
Rich Moxley: I am interested in utilizing the PC Clean up service
McRoggie: I see. Regarding the PC clean up service, we have a department here who is performing it by taking remote access on the computer.
Rich Moxley: OK
McRoggie: Their department doesn't have a chat support but you can reach them on their toll free number which is 1-877-567-6928.
Rich Moxley: OK, I'll try that.
McRoggie: Please give them a call now to have the service.
McRoggie: Anything else Rich?
Rich Moxley: No, thanks
Thanks for following up with this. It will help others looking for this service.