PC - Strange behaviour


Thought my (Graphs) problem was solved - but, no.

Live Update and Uninstall/Reinstall did not fix the problems.

Graphs only work properly after running NPE (see *.GIF snips).

Firefox, login-webpages continually reloads when opening FF first instance.

Windows Explorer, e.g. marking a file and choosing "Rename" moves the cursor/highlight two rows up(!).

Have to close these programs, run CCleaner and Norton Security "File Cleanup", and reopen to remedy these malfunctions.

Can't put my finger on it but, I suspect Synaptics Pointing Device could be affected somehow.

Norton Security "Full System Scan" and Malwarebytes Scan do not show anything though, as do not NPE.

Can it be some deep Root / Ring -.... issue?

What to do?



Hi @00360

If you are running the latest norton client it appears that there is an issue with the Graphs that Norton has acknowledged. Please have a look at the post below
