Periodic Scanning in Windows 11

Hi, Following Norton's advice I have turned off periodic scanning in Defender but it won't stay off so I have to do this on every boot. Anyone know what maybe doing this? any advice appreciated.


Thank you for posting on the Norton Community. There is ongoing issue with Windows defender which automatically gets turned ON for periodic scanning. Until Windows Defender addresses this issue, you can try the below:

  1. Hover over "Cross Button" present in the alert notification.
  2. "Don't show me again" option will appear.
  3. Click on that option to never get the notification again.

MicrosoftTeams-image (16).png

If the issue persist, please let us know. Thank you.

Thanks again for all your advice, all of which is noted.

Having spent far too much time on this I had decided to put up with it for a week or two then when time permits perform a re-install of Windows and as per your advice remove Norton first, I have the removal tool already as I have used it before.

I will advise when this is done and tested but may not be for a little while, maybe the next time the weather is bad and I have no other tasks to perform............meanwhile thanks again.


@PTC First, ensure there isn't any other antivirus or malware software installed on the system, and loading with Windows startup, other than Norton.  Some users run Malwarebytes as a secondary scanner, while doing so, they make the mistake of setting it to load with Windows startup. It then causes conflicts. If nothing is installed or loading please do the following: Perform a removal ONLY scenario with the Norton removal tool. The reason for this is because when any 3rd party antiviral software is installed on Windows, all features of Defender A/V protection are disabled, except, the defender firewall. Defender should be treating things as such and isn't in your case.


Norton remove only:

  • To only remove your Norton device security product, click Advanced Options and then click Remove Only. Pay close attention to step # 5 in the Norton article.

Follow on screen prompts to restart your machine. When your computer has fully rebooted the tool will prompt you to reinstall your Norton product. DO NOT do so. You need to manually look through your C: drive for folders left that belong to and are associated with Norton and remove them. When done restart again.

Next, once the second reboot has been done, log into your Norton account to reinstall your Norton product from there. Once the install has completed automatic updates should run once its own once. When it does and an update has completed, reboot whether prompted to do so or not. Once rebooted, now manually run live updates to install all patches that are available, one at a time. Make sure you reboot as each patch is installed whether prompted to do so or not. This will ensure the patches are installed separately and completely. Perform a final restart. 

Please post your progress


Thanks for all your replies. I'm sure it's a 3rd party program that's causing this but cannot find the culprit so have disabled Defender instead. Don't like to admit defeat but there is only so many hours one can spend on what is a trivial, but annoying, problem.


Hi, Following Norton's advice I have turned off periodic scanning in Defender but it won't stay off so I have to do this on every boot. Anyone know what maybe doing this? any advice appreciated.

Curious, is Windows Security Tamper Protection On?
Curious, does Norton display 'Attention required' on every boot?


fwiw ~
Windows keeps turning on Periodic Scanning.

nothing to do with fast start up

defender should be silent more or less with norton or any other av program installed , been a default feature for several versions atleast

some program ( 3rd party most likely) is causing or contributing to this issue that you have

obvious conclusion would be if you have some other malware or av type program ( beyond norton and defender)


Thanks, it happens on restart too. I suspect there’s a third party program causing this but don’t seem able to identify it.

fwiw ~ 
Disable the Limited Periodic Scanning in Microsoft Defender

Are you using 'Shut down' for "every boot"
Please try Restart (not Shut down) machine.  

I'm W10.
Maybe, something changed with W11.
Lets hear from W11 users. 

It is recommended by many computer experts to disable Fast Startup to help prevent various installation and update issues as well as encrypted disk issues. 

Windows Fast Startup W10 info [here] W11 info [here]


For Norton technical issues please include details for faster assistance from our forum Gurus and contributors:

  • Norton product or service name and version
  • Operating system - version / build 
  • Norton error message / error code / screen shot (mask personal info)
  • Steps to reproduce issue