Phone lagging, every time I go into the app, it says a risk

I am deeply concerned about some lagging I am experiencing on my iphone. Every time I go into the Norton app it changes from a ‘Risk’ to a ‘You are protected’ status. Does this suggest that there could be a problem but that it is resolved every time the app is active?! It is all very fishy. I do not feel that my phone is protected. It feels like there may be something malicious on my phone but I’ve checked all possible basic routes - no new apps, I’ve checked privacy settings and app data usage. Norton is flagged as the major user of resources, and yet, I have a performance problem. What do I do?

I just checked my installation and found the same interface actions, going from Attention to You are Protected. To take it one step further, if I leave the app open when the device sleeps, when log into the phone again, I see the same behaviour.

It should not affect your device’s security. iOS devices are very secure because of the way Apple does not allow interactions between apps. Here is a How to Geek article on why this is not necessary.

Norton or any other security app is always going to shown using more resources than the other apps on your device because the app has to monitor/scan every item you use to provide the protection.

As for your seeing lagging performance, have you restarted your device? Like a Windows system, mobile devices also collect ‘garbage’ as you use them and the app caches can get too large. A restart clears all that out.

Thanks Peter. Yes I’ve tried re-start, deleting apps and data that I don’t need. The lagging seems specific to the Norton app. Lagging starts, I got to the app, it re-initiates something and the lagging stops for a short while. Hallmarks of bugs or issues…

Try reinstalling your 360. Uninstall, restart the device and then reinstall and test.