Hi I just uninstalled Windows Live Essentials....didn't like having to have all that stuff on there just to have photo editing software. And it kept installing a user in credentials manager. I don't like that. I didn't create that account and I don't like any program that just helps itself to creating a user credential on my computer. I deleted it and I uninstalled windows live essentials.
My camera is old and the software disk that came with it isn't compatible with Windows 7 sp 1 64 bt os and offers no updates or upgrades ( basically it's outdated lol)
I've been looking around online and have no idea what to make of what's out there.
I don't like pups I had a really fun game I used to play that I had to uninstall because it installed with pups and when I quarantined the pups it wouldn't run anymore. like blackmail or something. accept our pups or you can't play the game you paid for. NOT COOL.
anybody know any good free lightweight photo editing software? (not cloud based, I'd like something I can just do offline)
I only have 2gb ram and 2.65 ghrz cpu.
very low end computing lol. all I can afford.
I miss playing with my pictures. It's time I tried to to something again after a very long long battle with mental illness (ongoing that is)
I just think it would be good for me but I don't know which one to pick that doesn't have pups or malware but has some good features and faily easy to use.
If it's simple enough like cropping or changing resolutions or some improvement of color rendering have a look at Irfanview which is a wonderful free program that is such a useful tool (I do all my screenshots with it) that it should be on every PC.
Download the main file first and after in installs get the full set up Plugins.
I would recommend downloading from these two sites since some of the ones that come up more automatically when you click on Download on the main page have a reputation of adding in unwanted software .... PUPS
I'm not looking for screenshot software. I'm okay on that. they're pretty cut n dried the way they are. (as you probably know, I have a propensity for taking screenshots of things I don't understand lol).
I'm more or less looking for something that can do what windows live photo did without having to install the entire windows live suite. It kept putting a user in the credentials manager. I don't like that.( I don't know what it's for but I don't like any program adding stuff to my credentials that I don't understand lol)
I'm looking to be able to invert the colors, (used to be able to do that in the old paint, no more). Something like a less fancy version of photoshop which is way too complicated for my little brain lol.
I need to be able to do things like add effects (glowy) highlights shadows tint, saturation, sharpen, reduce noise, etc. you know...soften the wrinkles if I want to and give my face a youthful 'glow'???? lolol
ah whatcha gonna do? aging is relentless hahahaha
and to play with some of my landscapes and stuff. I don't like the new MS paint. when you create bmps the scratchiness around what I've already edited out returns like a badly edited jpeg. ...they really screwed up paint. I wish I could have the old version they had on xp. That was better
anyway, my camera is too old but it still takes great pictures and they transfer fine over the usb still. but the editing software is old too...and won't install on windows 7.
any ideas other than what you noted? It doesn't look at all like what I'm looking for!
Thanks anyway though!
edit* ps.... something very low tech. and not plug ins or anything..I'd like to keep it local and not cloud based. just a little program I can download to play with some photos when I take them with my camera. I used to make all kinds of pictures with them and between paint and my camera editing software some of them came out pretty freaky for being so low tech lol. anyway, I like them. they're not professional or anything close, but they give me something to look at on my desktop. and...maybe something to save for my grandkids to see after I'm gone and say...look at what grandma made lol
I didn't say Irfanview was screenshot software but that I use it for screenshots which is quite different! It has a function bult in to take screenshots -- Open Irfanview and press the C key on your keyboard after which there is a hotkey function to take a screenshot (CTRL + F11 is the default) and you can set it to save the screenshot for later use or to access it in Irfanview immediately.
That is just one tiny function of an enormous range of editing functions and with the plugins it will open practically any file you can think of.
It's up to you but check the website and give it a try. You may be amazed. The millions of users can't be wrong!
<< ... can do what windows live photo did without having to install the entire windows live suite. >>
In which case uninstall what you downloaded and just download the single live photo application -- I think the click on is marked Customize.
Or just uninstall the units you don't want.
You do not hve to download everything they include -- I just downloaded Windows Live Mail because that was what I wanted but their image and video applications are quite good, although if you wnaANt video editing many find that the earlier 2,9 version is more controllable and can be downloaded from Microsoft still.
I just downloaded the windows essential photo gallery thingy from microsoft again. and it immediately placed a generic credential in my credentials manager.
ah well it is what it is I guess lol.
At least I've got SOMETHING to play with my pictures with!
am very gunshy about downloading software because I don't really understand computer security and I don't know which ones are safe and not.
and my computer is so low end that I don't think it could handle running a bunch of plug ins
It's very hard to help someone who seems not willing to follow a suggestion.
<< and my computer is so low end that I don't think it could handle running a bunch of plug ins >>
From Irfanview and from the wiki article about it.
IrfanView is a very fast, small, compact and innovative FREEWARE (for non-commercial use) graphic viewer for Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003 , 2008, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.
The program is compact: the basic installation of version 4.30 occupies 1.6 MB, and a full install with all plugins (not required for basic functionality) occupies about 10 MB.
Image editing includes crop, resize, and rotate. Images can be adjusted by modifying their brightness, contrast, tint, and gamma level manually or automatically, and by converting them between file formats.
it's not that I wasn't willing to follow your suggestion
I took a look and it didn't look like it was for me
that's all.
please no offense! I do appreciate your trying to help but I'm pretty picky about what I put on my tiny little computer these days lol and I have to have something that's very very easy to understand because I have a tendency to forget things randomly often and quite easily.
no insult intended! Am currently having to deal with the cable company again so I'm pretty touchy right now.
was looking around online trying to figure a few things out that were confusing me and got yanked offline.
tried to reset modem and got herded to unknown network lol
blew out modem, restarted, picked it up dusted underneath it and the dang power cord fell right out the back of it
anyway. ...monkeyed around with that for a while. restarted. same problem. so did a system restore to yesterday.
corrupted my mbam free and messed up my norton 360 in addition to still bad network connection.
had to run repair on the two windows essentials I installed.
found a bunch of junk in my programs folder that didn't belong in there.
today started out great and then kinda frittered away to poo