Pop Ups

Worst Anti Virus in the world. Chat DOES not work. Continually Popping Up with ads from Norton. Can not connect with the VPN to private Peer to Peers. I have enabled cookies, shut the VPN off and have tried several times to stop them to no prevail.

And Yes I have clicked the DO NOT SHOW AGAIN message who know how many times. And the methods Norton uses for Support are the weakest{why not send a phone number or direct e-mail link?] If you do business that way, then take me out of you customer base. I have tried in the past to resolve these issues and still no reply.

Is there a way to turn off the pop ups that say N360 is performing backgroud tasks.  First it is annoying. Second it won't let the screen saver turn on or turns the monitor back on.



Norton Official Support via social media.

Norton Official Support is via Chat or Phone.  No Email support. 
Support request generates case number/identity verification code.
Chat Support offers save & print transcript. 

  ~ Contact Norton Official Support ~

Please review related posts in another thread:

Maybe, share your geo-location/country.  
Maybe, I can post Norton Official Support phone number, if you want? 

Norton Official Support via social media.

I have Special Offer Notification set to off and I still get all kinds of popups from Norton.  In fact the frequency has been increasing.  I'm really fed up and looking for other products.

Hello. Check your Norton settings and disable "Special Offer Notification".



Please go to the Special Offer Notification and you can turn it off. Use a Windows Administrative Account to turn it off, You need the Windows Administrative Account to change any Setting in the Norton program.  Click on the ? on the right side of each setting in the Settings. .

