Check out this site.I had to register to look at it but I was just looking for posts on the software but I ran into all this trial reset crap.I dont think this is right.Am I wrong? Please see link but remember you must register.
{removed link}
[edit: Link removed because we just don't want to be advertising that site :) thanks for point it out. ]
Message Edited by Allen_K on 05-03-2009 11:38 AM

Group: Administrators
Posts: 5,317
Joined: 24-January 07
From: Paradise Lost
Member No.: 5,751

"Norton Trail Reset has been updated into version 2.8A".This is a post fron that forum on NIS 2009.I originally looked into this site for their testing of the products.It looks like some of the members are not playing nice with the software.Mods could you look into this and see if Im right.I mean if their using the software without paying for an extended period of time that is not right.
Hello Onslaught,
That was a good catch and thanks for bringing it up.
You are correct that those who write or use a hacked code to gain access to programs are stealing. That's the only word for it.
And to see that happening is frustrating for those of us who do things the right way.
I'll be sure the folks at Symantec are aware of the site.
If you register, they have acquired your email address. I notice they have a utility for helping with "forgotten" passwords. Perhaps they might see if they can recover your email password now that they have a valid email address?
Are you saying that they can get my email password.How could they do this?
I have deleted my account on that website.Shady operations do not interest me.To many people in this industry working very hard for them to have their software used in this fashion.
I registered at the site a while back (maybe March)because I found out they did tests on the different software packages.I very recently reinstalled NIS 2009 so I went back to the site as I did from time to time and I wanted to read any new opinions of NIS 2009 and that is what I found.I like to try different software but I am back with NIS 2009 again.I have always liked Norton and the users of this forum are very helpful so I just wanted to help if I could.Thanks for the replies and I hope Symantec will be able to stop them.
Onslaught wrote:
Are you saying that they can get my email password.How could they do this?
Simplest strategy is to get an email address, hope the password isn't too complicated, then set up a program to constantly feed it various password attempts until it hacks in. That's why most well secured sites will lock up if there are too many failed attempts to get in.
Thanks I have heard of this.Just to be on the safe side I changed my password and made it stronger.