Hi, I was wondering if you had any plans to introduce an account lock out feature?
Welcome to the Norton Community
Under what circumstances do you see an account being locked out and for how long?
I firmly believe that we are on the right track with this program in teaching our kids to be responsible with computer time and web surfing but as with all kids there will be a time when we will need to give them some form of "time out" e.g. an ability to bar them for an hour or a day as a result of breaking house rules.
Or a penalty / reward system where I could reduce or increase their time say for today only by 30 mins or an hour? I know I can go into time settings and amend their schedule but this requires me to remember to go back and change again later.
Also, I am not sure if it has been resolved already but could internet time and computer time be allocated separately. There will be times i would like them to have computer access but not web access.
I would also like to amend what types of web pages are available at certain times of day e.g during homework time i.e 4p.m to 6 p.m only access to certain types of web content (no games) or a list of web pages that we specify.
I know i am asking alot but i truly believe wih these kinds of features you would truly have the best product on the market - by far!
Keep up the good work :)
Sorry just one last thing, when considering how much to charge for this software next year how about offering a reduction to the contributors in these forums for their valuable input and possibly a discount for each paying account they can sign up next year ( 1=5%, 10=50% 20=FREE)
Sorry for such a long post. Jon
Hi Jon,
Thanks for sending us your great suggestions. Some of them are already on our enhancement list… I will put the requests to the list if they are not on the list yet for our management team to consider.