Possible to Upgrade Norton Internet Security 2009 to Norton Internet Security 2009?

Hi All


Nice to meet you hope to talk to you all soon, have a nice day.


I have a bit of a dilemma last year I bought Norton Internet Security 2008 and when I had about 300 days left Norton gave me a free upgrade to Norton Internet Security 2009.From As I now have less than 14 days until Norton Internet Security 2009 expires would it be possible if I could buy the upgraded version of Norton Internet Security 2009 and just upgrade the upgraded version that Norton gave me to Norton Internet Security 2009 software and so that it will renew the subscription for this year? Or will I need to reinstall Norton Internet Security 2008?


Kind Regards,



A valid license entitles one to the current version of the same level software (NAV to latest NAV; NIS to latest NIS; this has been Norton's policy since v2007[I believe, could be longer]).  There is a detailed discussion on this at this LINK .  Please click on the link and read the post there.  Basically, since you have a valid license (not expired), you can Purchase a Renewal to extend the lifetime of the license.  Links to purchase a new license (for different product or if current license is expired), upgrade (change types of products) and extend the license lifetime are on the post also.


If you have any questions after reading the post, come back and we will see about finding them for you.

Thank you dbrisendine for replying to my thread so quickly very much appreciated. I clicked on the link you supplied me with thanks and by the sounds of it if I uninstall Norton Internet Security 2009 I was give by Norton and reinstall Norton Internet Security 2008 I will be able to buy an upgrade version of Internet Security 2009 to renew the subscription for another year.


Surly if I were going to Purchase a Renewal to extend the lifetime of the license it would cost more instead of me buying an upgrade version from lets say Amazon which would cost probably half the price? And if my computer were to crash I would have the software on disc and would just need to reinstall it again. The only problem is my grandparents have lost the Norton Internet Security 2008 disc so I guess it will be like finding a needle in a hay stack doh!


Kind Regards, Oliver

May be I confused you but you don't have to go back to go forward.  You can purchase a disk from anywhere you would like and when the time runs out on your current license then just go to Subscribe Now on the bottom of the main NIS2009 screen and select 'Enter a Subscription Renewal code or another Product Key' then enter the key code found on the product you have purchased and activate.  There is no need for you to uninstall NIS2009 (which is the Full product by the way) to install 2008 to reinstall 2009.



One thing I would recommend you do now is to create a My Norton Account (secure and safe) to store your license codes online so you will always have them.  You can do this now by clicking Norton Account on the main screen of NIS2009.  It will take you through the process of setting the account up or logging you into your existing account.

Dbrisendine is exactly right.  I did the same thing, upgraded my 2008 to 2009.  I buy a new disc every year in case of disaster.  All I had to do was type in the new product key.

Slight clarification necessary on Dbris' good advice:


There is a number of differences between a renewal and a new subscription.


First, renewals are almost always more expensive, especially now that we are entering the season of discounted products.


Second, if you renew, you renewal will be added to the life of your current your subscription, so you won't lose the few days left on the current subscription.


... on the other hand ...


Third, if you buy a new subscription, say at a discount at a retail store, you can use  its activation code for the current product, but you shouldn't use it until the current subscription is on its last day -- or you will lose those days -- and you will have to endure the nagging until then.


Have fun making a choice.

I am a bit confused on this. Is Upgrade cheaper than renewal? See the prices listed for Renewal and Upgrade from the links given below.


Renewal and Upgrade


If you check the price of NIS, you can see that both are $49.99


Now to know the difference between Upgrade and Renewal, read this Knowledge Base Article.


Also if you have a 2008 product, you opt the 2009 free upgrade. Now when you need to renew the 2008 subscription, you do not have to uninstall the 2009 version and install the 2008 version. You can directly renew from the 2009 product. You are actually renewing your 2008 subscription irrespective of the product installed. This is how it works.



So to sum all of this up, under the current Norton policy of allowing a person with a valid subscription to download and install the latest version of their subscription's product, a renewal (adding time to the subscription) and an upgrade (purchase of the latest product in the current subscription's line [AV08 -> AV09, NIS07 -> NIS09, etc.]) are the same EXCEPT the renewal does not remove any remaining time left on the current subscription.  The Renewal ADDS to the total amount of time left on the current subscription.  The Upgrade REPLACES the current subscription completely.


The Upgrade key to activate the subscription can come from any legitimate source ( Norton or an other retailer ) since this is a replacement of the current subscription.


The other point that all of this should make if not clear is that even though a user (using a current valid subscription) did a Version Update to the latest offering in that product line, they may still be using a subscription that came from two versions ago.  The software is the same as a new full installation (there is no difference in the actual software code running on the user's machine) because it is the full installation.  One key came from two years ago and has been renewed every year; the other came with the just purchased product.  The differences are in the subscription keys; after 2006, Norton does not tie the product version to the subscription key just that the subscription is valid and active.

No it was not you who confused me dbrisendine it was the link you referred me to I must have read it in the wrong context it happens and I do normally read between the lines lol but that is great news that I do not have to go back to go forward just thinking about uninstalling a 3 user Norton Internet Security 2009 made me cringe as sometimes takes along time to uninstall. Going through the Subscribe Now can be a pain ay but I suppose it is there for security reasons and so that Norton can make sure that if people buy a 1 user one it stays on one computer instead of installing it on 3 or 4 computers.

Thanks for advising me about creating a My Norton Account but I am one step in front of you this time as I did that with the Norton Internet Security 2007 version.


Also lets say my computer crashed tomorrow and I still could not find the Norton Internet Security 2008 disc could I still just buy the Norton Internet Security 2009 upgrade version and install it on my computer? Also if I had put the Norton Internet Security 2009 upgrade onto disc that Norton gave us all then installed it on my computer would that acted as a full licensed version?


Many thanks for your help dbrisendine.


Thanks for your input and help Delphinium I like buying discs every year to for the same reason as you just in case of a disaster but then again if my grandparents keep on losing the discs then we have no chance ow well lol. Mark Twain was very right and is very true: Under certain circumstances profanity provides relief denied even to prayer.


Thanks for the added information and help mijcar I did think that renewals are almost always more expensive! Maybe Norton (Symantec) need to rethink there prices as people will be buying their software from third parties allot cheaper. Yeah I always make sure my time runs out on the previous version of Norton Internet Security before I install the latest one, yeah that’s the main thing I hate about coming to the end of the subscription that Norton nags you saying you only have such and such a day please renew now but I suppose if they did not then people would still complain to say they did not warn them so poor Norton can not win lol. Thanks a bunch I hate making a choice between the full version or upgrade but I suppose we only have to endure it once a year yay!J

TrojanVirus007 wrote:


Also lets say my computer crashed tomorrow and I still could not find the Norton Internet Security 2008 disc could I still just buy the Norton Internet Security 2009 upgrade version and install it on my computer? Also if I had put the Norton Internet Security 2009 upgrade onto disc that Norton gave us all then installed it on my computer would that acted as a full licensed version?



Yes you could buy a disk or even better, download the install file now (from HERE) and burn it to a CD.  Then you will not have to download or buy another disk.  You subscription key is stored online safe from the computer crash.  You're good to go then.



Note:  The link above is for the US/CAN files.  If you need a different country, you can go to this page and in the upper right select the proper country.

Message Edited by dbrisendine on 05-06-2009 06:59 PM

Vineeth wrote:
...If you check the price of NIS, you can see that both are $49.99...

And I found it available online at a reputable dealer for $14.00, free shipping and/or instant downloading.  Took me 25 seconds.


It is not my job to sell software for Symantec.  But neither will I give links to discounters.  It's up to the consumer to make the best personal choices.  But that should be based on honest, accurate information.


What you said above gives an inaccurate picture of the choices available to the user.



<< It is not my job to sell software for Symantec.  But neither will I give links to discounters.  >>


In fact if you had it would almost certainly have been deleted by the moderators who have this facility since it is against Norton policy to appear to be favoring one source over another.


They even asked my to stop posting the link to the well known website that deals with the weekend sales circulars .....

dbrisendine wrote:


[ ... ] 


One thing I would recommend you do now is to create a My Norton Account (secure and safe) to store your license codes online so you will always have them.  You can do this now by clicking Norton Account on the main screen of NIS2009.  It will take you through the process of setting the account up or logging you into your existing account.

Great post -- a small point: since 2009 versions you have no choice but to create a Norton Account when you activate. If you don't then it won't activate .... <s>


But it is important advice and that people know that the KEY is saved there.


Also the 2009 versions -- certainly of NIS and N360 -- create a file KEY.txt and put in a folder My Documents / Symantec -- neat and very useful if you are reinstalling since you can copy the key to the clipboard and then just paste it into the activation box, where the system automatically breaks it down into the groups!



Actually, having become much better informed by spending time on this forum, I must tell you that if your computer crashed, it would be much better for both of us to download the new trial version from the Norton website, and then just enter the activation key again.  The reason for that is to avoid going through all of the version updates prior to having a top-running system.


There is really not much reason for buying a physical copy anymore.

While you are at it, download and burn a copy of the Norton Recovery Disk, now; that way on hand should you ever need it.  It is available HERE , along with the directions on making and using this tool.  Don't wait till you need it; have it and then hope you never have to use it.

dbrisendine wrote:
Yes you could buy a disk or even better, download the install file now (from HERE) and burn it to a CD.  Then you will not have to download or buy another disk.  You subscription key is stored online safe from the computer crash.  You're good to go then.

This advice is so good I want to repeat it.


We are moving away from the day of the installation CD.  This installer that Dbris is directing you to has a small enough footprint that you can save it on a $5.00 Memory Stick and even install the software from the stick.  It is no longer the installation program that you are buying (these you can download at will; and there is no real reason to have any kind of installer UNLESS you have no access to the internet, in which case, why bother with security?).  What is being sold to you is a license and an activation key.