I was asked to renew my subscription and was taken on the page that tells me the rate is 69.99 but when I check the rate for a new subscription it is 49.99. On top of that you try to tell me that the acutal value of the software is 89.99 and you are giving me at a discounted price.
Is this how you repay me for my loyalty ? Charge me more because I am with you ? Moreover, you guys disable the link to the home page on the renew subscription page so if I am unaware I wouldn't or couldn't check the pricing you are offering to the rest of the world.
What warm feelings all of this makes me have for you.
Renew Subscription

New Subscription

I was asked to renew my subscription and was taken on the page that tells me the rate is 69.99 but when I check the rate for a new subscription it is 49.99. On top of that you try to tell me that the acutal value of the software is 89.99 and you are giving me at a discounted price.
Is this how you repay me for my loyalty ? Charge me more because I am with you ? Moreover, you guys disable the link to the home page on the renew subscription page so if I am unaware I wouldn't or couldn't check the pricing you are offering to the rest of the world.
What warm feelings all of this makes me have for you.
Renew Subscription

New Subscription

The only comment I'd add to Dick's is that if you are located in one country and want to buy in a different country for a combination of price and/or language then you may have some problems either in getting the languge you want OR in using the activation key from one country/langauge in a different combination.
It does not always happen but one combination has been posted on by Norton and another has been posted about by a user and not yet resolved so far as I have seen so far this morning.