Private Adverts on Forum

Numerous postings once again on Forum this morning that are private advertisements & not genuine Norton Items & nothing to do with Norton

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Thanks for the alert. We Guru’s have been mitigating a massive spam campaign on the forums since Saturday afternoon and continue cleaning up the mess they left behind. Hoping to have accounts banned and the trash cleared soon.


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Another 19 in inbox this morning. A lot of of subject To refund money from Phone PE from various posters. Update - another 2 while composing this.
Majority I pick up in the morning, I’m in UK so 7:00 am now.

Another multitude of spam etc re the above this afternoon- more of these in comparison to genuine postings. This needs getting hold of as a matter of urgency by Norton.

Dude!! We are all over it. Go into your account profile settings and disable ALL e=mails until we can get these spammers banned. Forgive me for being straight forward. There isn’t much we Gurus can do at the moment its beyond our capability. No admins are available at the moment,
