Issue abstract:
Network identification is always set to public even though I am in my private wifi
Detailed description:
The home page of Norton says "due to increased security, some apps have been restricted.
You seem to be connected to a public network, so we have increased you security and restricted access for riskier apps"
and in the settings, when I go go network, the network identification is always set to public, even though I am only connected to my private home wifi. I can not set this to private, it always reverts back to public
Product & version number: Norton 360
24.10.9535 (Build 24.10.9535.881)
I also have a similar issue. Windows by default recommends and sets my network profile type to public, so it seems strange that Norton recommends changing it to private. I would have thought that was less secure. However, my setting remains on whichever one I choose.
I would appreciate knowing which setting is actually correct for my home network.