Private wifi identified as public

Issue abstract:
Network identification is always set to public even though I am in my private wifi

Detailed description:
The home page of Norton says "due to increased security, some apps have been restricted.

You seem to be connected to a public network, so we have increased you security and restricted access for riskier apps"

and in the settings, when I go go network, the network identification is always set to public, even though I am only connected to my private home wifi. I can not set this to private, it always reverts back to public

Product & version number: Norton 360
24.10.9535 (Build 24.10.9535.881)

OS details: win11

I also have a similar issue. Windows by default recommends and sets my network profile type to public, so it seems strange that Norton recommends changing it to private. I would have thought that was less secure. However, my setting remains on whichever one I choose.

I would appreciate knowing which setting is actually correct for my home network.

All: Public WiFi is less secure, thus the reason for the added security checking by Norton. Set your WiFi to private in Windows and restart, recheck.


my wifi is already set to private, has always been

Do your Norton settings appear as these below? Check them both.


no change. The weiredest thing is that my wifi itself is properly shown as private, just the above network identification stays on public