I followed the instructions in yesterday's email and went to Live Update. (I had NIS v21.4.0.13 at that point.) Live Update installed nine updates and required a restart.
I hit 'restart' - my Win7 laptop shut down but didn't restart - (I left it for ten minutes).
I switched off my laptop and a few minutes later switched it on. The NIS hidden icon on the bottom-right tool bar wasn't there - others were missing too.
I opened NIS from Start - All Programs - and got the following error message:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Norton Internet Security\Engine 64\\uistub.ex Unspecified error"
I clicked OK and all my hidden icons were back. I then opened IE11 and the Norton Vault icon on the Norton Tool Bar was missing. I got my sign-on/password from my XP desktop, got to the forum and drafted this. But before posting it, I opened a new page on IE11 and the Vault icon is back!
So - I have v21.5.0.19 and all my icons. Should I do anything about the above error message?
I'm off to update my XP now!