Problems loading sites .com

Having problems loading sites last few hours, particularly news sites.  I have recently downloaded a WiFi privacy, could this be a reason?  Anyone else having problems?  Thanks in advance.

Have you checked the hidden icons in the system tray? Click the little up arrow to the left of the system tray, then you can drag the NWP icon to the main system tray.

Are you seeing any error massages when you have this trouble with web sites?  A screenshot of the error would help identify what is causing your issue. 

Instructions to post screenshots can be found here

No NWP icon showing in the system tray of laptop.  Why?  Can't turn off since no icon.  T

You can test by turning off the Norton Wifi Privacy, NWP, feature. Click on the NWP icon in your system tray, then click on the little button at the bottom right of the NWP window. You should see your VPN status turn red. That means that NWP is not active.

Try your web site again. If you still have trouble, then NWP may be responsible. You would then have to check if that site has any issues with, or blocks users that use a VPN.

NWP does not block individual web sites. The only thing that might affect this is that NWP is set to block ad tracking. You could try turning this feature off at the top right of the NWP window.