Problems with Comcast Norton Backups on Computer (Not online)

Problems with Comcast Norton Backups on  Computer (Not  online)




 Norton Back up drive.jpg



Computer picture.jpg




These two pictures show my computer set up with the Comcast Norton Back up on D:. My OS is Windows Vista SP 2 and my back up is filling up to the point I am being told by Norton to change my backups’ settings.  I cannot figure out how to delete the old backups in order to have space for more backups. It insists that there must be at least one back up. I have assumed that each time it backs up my photos etc that that is a new back up. So in addition to the default back up, I made a February back up. This has not helped anything.

This next picture shows the default back up.


Managed Back up Set.jpg



Now for the February backup picture:


Manage back up February 17 2012.jpg


The system tray shows a Norton icon with a red “x” on it and when I investigated by bringing up Norton, I saw the following: (see picture below)

Norton Message about backup.jpg



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I proceeded to fix it and I get a screen with Norton Activities and Scans. From appearances both backups are being completed. I get a backup of the jpeg I am making of my progress! At the end of the second backup I get a notice that nothing was backed up in the default backup as there isn’t enough space. But 17 items are backed up in the February back up. At the end of the process, Norton still wants changes to backups………………………How do I fix this? CS

 Norton Activities and scans.jpg






Norton Scan Request Complete..jpg


 Notice of one item being backed up


Notice of one jpeg backed up

Security History Advanced details.jpg




Notice of February backup completion


Second back up question.jpg



Picture showing what is backed up during February backup set.


Back up made question.jpg