If you click Quarantine from the main NIS window it will show you anything which is current under quarantine. If you Clear Entries from that screen it will remove the item both from Quarantine and from NIS history.
The actual location of the quarantine is as follows for WIndows Vista/ Windows 7.
C:\ProgramData\Norton\[some long hex number]}\NIS_18.1.0.37\QBackup.
There will be a long HEX number in the path and NIS with a version number. The version number on yours may not match my example. The final part of the path is QBackup.
Can you clarify your last question? Are you indicating that you know of a malware infection which NIS did not catch? If so, please provide more details of what you believe the malware is, etc.
If you click Quarantine from the main NIS window it will show you anything which is current under quarantine. If you Clear Entries from that screen it will remove the item both from Quarantine and from NIS history.
The actual location of the quarantine is as follows for WIndows Vista/ Windows 7.
Quick.. :0 :)
Ok, so "clear Quarantine" wipes the files and settings and resets 'back-up' filedata.
Yes, I have the back-up location, thx.
Can you clarify your last question? Are you indicating that you know of a malware infection which NIS did not catch? If so, please provide more details of what you believe the malware is, etc.
No 'new' mals yet but some testing coming up: have friends with 0-day files: so just checking
Any real samples will of course be sent to Symantec if unknown.
Does the Symantec 'cloud' have to do analysis before NIS will identify as malware and then remove ??
NIS removed the FF4 nightly "minefield" last night !!
Does "Disable AntiVirus Auto-protect" option also shut down "Sonar" ..and any other Auto Detect/remove options ??
However, I do not recommend shutting down NIS during game play. NIS is designed not to be intrusive when you are doing other apps. Disabling autoprotect puts your computer at risk from online threats.
Yes. Turning off Auto-Protect disables SONAR and Download Intelligence, as well.
Thx for replies.
Tywin7 wrote:
However, I do not recommend shutting down NIS during game play. NIS is designed not to be intrusive when you are doing other apps. Disabling autoprotect puts your computer at risk from online threats.
no, not worried about gaming...just doing stuff that symantec might find "removable" !!