I have a question, or a verification about how to disable 360 in case it's needed to eliminate Norton AV as a source of WIndows boot/startup issues.
I'm not having any issues at present but wanted to know how to do this for future reference.
I found this info posted in an older thread and wanted to verify:
"If you right click your mouse on the Norton icon , lower right hand corner of screen near the clock, you should see a two of the options are checked with ticks, one being enable firewall the other enable auto protect .
While those are checked they are indeed enabled, unchecking them will disable those main parts of the program.
Therefore if you uncheck them both the program is basically disabled."
Will this work if I needed to disable 360, then boot up in Windows (normal mode, not 'safe' mode) without 360 launching at startup?
I'm running Windows 7 64-bit with 360 version