Question for ANti-Spyware-Status (Green/Red)



everytime if I'm starting MBAM I disconnect completely from the Internet and disable Norton's Auto-Protect & Anti-Virus via a right cick on the smybol of Norton 2010 in the  taskbar. Then I manually turn off Insight and Anti-Spyware.


Until the new engine update it was like this:


I rebooted after finished MBAm scan, Anti Virus and Auto-Protect were already green and I manually activated Insight and Anti-Spyware.again.


Today I noticed that after the reboot Anti-Spyware WAS already green? I then put on Insight again, rebooted another time (sometimes it is marked as green, but it isn't turned on in fact), but it was still green (Anti-Spyware).


So I went online and started Norton Support - everything was ok. To check if I'm secured, I downloaded EICAR test virus - and it was recognized.


But Im still scared, that Anti-Spyware isn't really ok...


Does anybody got a clue, how I get to know, that Anti-Spyware is definately OK?

