This started about 2-3 months ago and it is painful. This started happening when I moved from Spyware Doctor to Norton. Here is an example:
When I login to and enter my username and password, I also select "remember me" and keep me logged in. The next time I go to the website (if I haven't run a quick scan) I am logged in automatically. If I reboot the system I am still logged in automatically.
But, as soon as I run a Quick Scan, the next time I go to , I have to key in my username and password. This applies to all websites, credit cards, stores, eBay, etc.
How do I fix this? What is Quick Scan removing that is causing this behavior?
A bit more info with your operating system, which Norton product you are running and the version (Support > About) would be helpful in sorting this out for you.
This is a known issue and there are several threads in this community on the subject. The problem doesn't exist with IE9; it started with IE10. IE10 probably saves cookies that contain login information, etc. a little differently and NIS hasn't been updated to accommodate those differences. I suspect the cookies that contain this information are being swept up in that catch all called "Orphan Cookie Removal"!
Whether it is a Microsoft or Norton problem might be a point to argue, but it is painfully obvious that Norton appears to be ignoring it while many of us suffer the consequences. My work around is to set the Tracking Cookie Scan to "Ask Me" or "Ignore" and run CCleaner to remove cookies periodically. CCleaner lets you exclude specific cookies where NIS apparently doesn't. In NIS if you click "Exclude" after a Tracking Cookie Scan and Report; all it does is change the Tracking Cookie Scan setting to "Ignore" and nothing is reported after that on subsequent scans.
Good luck; there are a number of us in this boat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for adding some clarity to the issue. My fix has been to use FireFox.
I just came across an interesting feature article in Windows Secrets on tracking by websites and where settings relating to this are located in different browsers which might be useful to you or at least interesting.
FIXED - in latest Live Update today - with a Patch Update.
After reading your post, I reran Live Update and sure enough it came up with a Patch that needed to be applied. I applied the Patch, reran Live Update, and restarted my computer. I then went into settings and reset Tracking Cookies to "Ask Me" so Quick Scan would ask for their removal. I ran Quick Scan; it showed 59 Tracking Cookies plus Orphan Cleanup that needed to be resolved.
I let it remove the Tracking and Orphan Cookies and to my dismay nothing was fixed!!!! I've now had to go back and log in to all forums, etc. where I'd said remember me. However, while that's a pain in the rear end to have to log in again, the worst part is it stills dumps the cookies from all of my Financial Institutions, so now I have to revalidate my computer with all of them, which in some cases means they have to send me a code to go back and enter so I can have access to my accounts; what a pain.
You might want to check to see if you still have the Tracking Cookie setting set to Ignore. If it really is working for you, great, it sure didn't work for me!!!!!
You might want to consider using the vault to store your user names and passwords. I use it for banking transactions because i don't have a lot of webpages that require logins. I know that other users on Norton (especially business owners who have extensive website use) use the vault to store their logins.
I've never had an instance where a Quick Scan, CCleaner or deleting browser history ever removed my logins from the vault.
Ballistic wrote: I've never had an instance where a Quick Scan, CCleaner or deleting browser history ever removed my logins from the vault.
It isn't removing login information from Identity Safe's vault; it's removing the Cookie that forums/sites/financial institutions put on your computer when you login to either keep you logged in on your next visit or to validate your computer with your login information so you don't have to go through the security check each time you access your accounts.
I don't know what the "Internet Explorer patch" actually did, but my usernames, passwords, etc are all intact and I don't need to go thru secondary security checks anymore.
I ran Live-Update; when it completed (Check for Updates and Download Updates), in the Process Updates completion message area it said that it had an Update Patch that needed to be installed and I could install it now or it would be installed later automatically. It also referenced that it was for Internet Explorer. I had it install the patch. I shut everything down and rebooted.
I went to, login in, checked the "remember me" box and then logged out. Login in again to check and everything was good. I ran a Virus Quick Scan and then went out to again and was automatically logged in without a secondary check being required.
daviesma; that’s interesting!!!! I sure didn’t see anything in the Patch I received that explicitly referenced IE10. Glad it works for you, sure doesn’t for me; I’ve had to set the Tracking Cookie Scan back to “Ignore” so that I don’t have to go through the Security Validation process with my financial institutions. As I mentioned, forums and most sites are no problem because it’s just a matter of using Identity Safe to fill in the login information again, but high security sites like financial institutions are a different matter and require additional steps!!!!
I don't know what the "Internet Explorer patch" actually did, but my usernames, passwords, etc are all intact and I don't need to go thru secondary security checks anymore.
I ran Live-Update; when it completed (Check for Updates and Download Updates), in the Process Updates completion message area it said that it had an Update Patch that needed to be installed and I could install it now or it would be installed later automatically. It also referenced that it was for Internet Explorer. I had it install the patch. I shut everything down and rebooted.
I went to, login in, checked the "remember me" box and then logged out. Login in again to check and everything was good. I ran a Virus Quick Scan and then went out to again and was automatically logged in without a secondary check being required.
Hi Mark,
The only thing the Patch may have said about Internet Explorer was that you had to close IE in order for the Patch to be applied. Once IE was closed the Patch should have gone ahead and finished. I'd bet the reboot did more good for IE than applying the Norto Toolbar FF 22 add-on.
I rebooted twice today and ran 3-4 scans and everything was working fine all day. I leave for 3 hours and come back and none of my websites have any previous knowledge of my access.
I apologize for misleading everyone. It is definitely not fixed.