Quicken won't launch after install of NIS2011+utilities HELP!

Hi! Nanp,


We can resume around 4:00 p.m. tomorrow; I'll be out on business till then.  Let me know if you would like a later time.


Tech83  :)

4pm EST sounds good.  thanks!  good night :-)

Hi! Nanp,


I will do my best to be here; as 4:00 p.m. EST is about 1:00 p.m. CST which is where I am at.  I hope the rest of your night goes well.


Tech83  :)

If I don't find you here at 4pm EST I'll try back again in 3 hours, 7pm EST. Nan

Hi! Nanp,


I am back and ready to begin when you are.


I was here and you were not; now you're here and I'm not......catch you later.  ;)


Tech83 :)

4EST is 3CST.  I'm a few minutes early.  I'll check back at the top of the hour proper.  N


OK.  I'll check in again at the top of the next hour, which will be 4pm YOUR time, which is what you wanted in the first place.



Hi! Nanp,


I am back!!! Ready to get started?


Tech83  :)

I'm at a loss...  I really don't know what to suggest at this point.  It's going on 5:30.  4:30 your time.  I checked in at 4 my time and hung out for 20 min.  I've checked in 4pm your time.  Just keep refreshing my screen hoping your there.


While I appreciate the personal touch, surely this isn't the best way to administer tech support?  Why is there no instant chat session offered?  There used to be a phone number - God forbid. 


It's a Saturday night.  Surely we both have better things to do?  Should I keep checking in at the top of each hour hoping I'll bump into you?   



Oh good!  Yes, please.

Hi! Nanp,


I have returned to this forum to help; sorry I am late.


Tech83  :)

shoulda synched our watches.  sorry to complain.  then again, if I hadn't taken the time to write that, I'd already be gone.

hope the day's treating you fine.

shall we...?

Hi! Nanp,


If I recall correctly; I had you uninstall NU (NIS 2001 was not uninstalled) and it resolved an issue with Quicken 2006 not launching or updating.  We are now ready to re-install NU and see if the problem returns is this correct?


Tech83 :)


nanp wrote:

shoulda synched our watches.  sorry to complain.  then again, if I hadn't taken the time to write that, I'd already be gone.

hope the day's treating you fine.

shall we...?

Hi! Nanp,


It is currently 4:33 P.M. here in my time zone.  Let's begin.


Tech83  :)

what shall I do first?

Hi! Nanp,


Are we re-installing from a CD installation disc or from a downloaded copy of the software?


Tech83  :)

Originally, it was a download.  Should I re-download it?