I am trying to re enter my Quickbooks, and it advises me to turn off any anti virus programs. How do I do this temporarily on Norton, til I get my Quickbooks installed?? Thanks
sparkync wrote:I am trying to re enter my Quickbooks, and it advises me to turn off any anti virus programs. How do I do this temporarily on Norton, til I get my Quickbooks installed?? Thanks
I'd be tempted to try it first without disabling Norton. If that doesn't work you can click on the systray icon and disable various features for selectable periods of time. Go for the shortest times unless you have a slow connection.
Keep us posted
I have a "Secuity Shield" on my short cut for Quickbooks. Can this have anything to do with me not being able to open Quickbooks? Also what systray do you mean, and where are the options to turn off? Thanks
I think I found the "systray" you was talking about. I turned off the incoming and outgoing internet traffic temporarily and the firewall off temporarily, then tried Quickbooks and it still didn't work, but I still had the safety shield showing on my shortcut???
Guess I'm going to have to wipe everything out and start over again:(
sparkync wrote:I have a "Secuity Shield" on my short cut for Quickbooks. Can this have anything to do with me not being able to open Quickbooks? Also what systray do you mean, and where are the options to turn off? Thanks
Hi sparkync,
How about a long shot?
Does your shield look like this?
I'm not an expert, but perhaps if you right click the ICON and select Run as administrator from the drop down it may help.
Let us know.
sparkync wrote:I have a "Secuity Shield" on my short cut for Quickbooks. Can this have anything to do with me not being able to open Quickbooks?
The shield means you need adminstrator privileges to open the program.
I have the "shield from Vista". I tried "run as administrator" and no sucess:(
quickbooks tries to update itself when you install it. if possible, you should have the internet connected I would think, for it to register, update, make an account at intuit.com, and all that happy stuff. to uninstall, and reinstall with the internet on.